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Happy due date Ria - time has gone really quickly! Hope Riley doesn't keep you hanging round toooo long xxxx
Come on now Riley!!!! Get a groove on, sunshine! :clock: Hehe! Xx
lmao ohhh i know you're telling me, i see lauren86's waters have broke and she's 38 weeks!!! told her to sprinke some labour dust on me :rofl:

MW today so will know more then, i'm actually quite excited to go for once! i bet they'll just be like.. oh come back in two weeks if you haven't gone into labour by then :| they're proper careless at my hospital! probs 'cayse they've seen it all before, but still!!! i'm impatient and like to know everything! lol.

will keep ya's updated of course, sprinkle some labour dust on meeeeeeee, and anti pain dust too :D:D xxxxx
They will prob give you a sweep today and then if nothing happens they will book you in to be induced by 14days overdue. Good luck cant wait to see in the birth announcements soon! :) x
You'll be fine Ria - just ask for drugs, and lots of 'em if it gets too much!! Hehe!!

:dust: Here's some labour dust hun!! :-)

Aw thankyou for the dust everyone! I have to go back a week on Friday for my '10 + 10' appointment (10 days overdue) for a check up, internal and scan to check all is ok then I will be booked for an induction.. Which I'd rather not have! So been told by MW to start crawling around like a cat, lmao! Go on all fours as much as possible to try get Riley in position! Measuring at 42 cm and heart beating away fine :)

Hope all your sprinkles will work over the weekend!

Glad to hear everything is good and healthy. I cant imagine how frustrating this waiting game must be, Im going mental now wishing I was at 38 weeks and he could arrive! Have you got a bouncy ball to sit on? Thats supposed to be good to get baby moving around :) We've bought one from tesco value, only a couple of quid.
aww bless you tiny, the weeks fly by before you know it so i'm sure you'll be there soon! i got myself a ball from decathlon for a tenner, if i knew they were in tesco for a couple of quid i would've got it from there!!! gutted hehe. think i'll go bounce on it now for a bit ;) xx
Haven't you had any niggles yet???? Better get crawling - meow - thats a new one on me but i'll try anything when my time comes xx
I would so be trying all the other methods of getting things going by now - spicy food/sex ;)
lol! meeeow ;) i could be a big pregger sex kitten! :rofl: i try when i can but i'm SOOO tired just want to sleep all the time at the min. can't even stand up without getting tired lmao.. and thinking about sex at the minute and feeling like a big fat balloon just doesn't work :( i'm trying though!! Riley being lazy like his mummy :oops:
Hopefully he'll get a move on and come and meet his mummy and daddy soon :D

Im crossign my fingers he gets here by next friday for you. xxx
thankyou hun!! i would like a nice fast delivery.. i hope this happens!! who knows hehe. i have been drinking rasberry tea everday.. but i have to force it down, doesn't taste that nice really!! xxx
Aw ickle Riley is too comfy in there! Good luck ria, I really hope he makes an appearance soon! Xx
Too comfy indeed! I want him to hurry to I can finally get some summer clothes that fit, have about 3 outfits at the min! Xxx
Come on Riley!! You must be making WAY too comfy in there for him Ria! You'd BETTER be bouncing on that ball and crawling about dear!! lol! Make it hell for him! Hehe! ;-) Xx
awww cant be long til he makes an apperance hun, the wait must be torture!!
Tiny i'm 38 weeks and keep thinking any day now, but no such luck, its so frustrating!

Ria i hope bouncing on the ball and crawling around helps, i'll send you dust too and really hope he comes in the next few days for you honey xx

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