Playtime in the wee small hours

Well it's 5am and I'm up, not unusual you might reckon for a mum with a wee one, but Damien is insistent on playing and being wide awake!

Of all time of the day he chooses to be awake, this is it. :shock:

Does anyone else have this problem? I'd feel absolutely rotten leaving him in his moses basket to fall asleep while I'm asleep. Considering Damien doesn't spend that much time awake anyway and is quite behind as far as development goes, I want to encourage him to be more 'social', but at 5am?!

This is why I post such daft replies at this time in the morning lol.
He is STILL awake! I've decided I may as well get up and dressed for the day now :roll: Going to give him a bath. If only you could set babies sleep routines at birth eh :?
Alex's waking up time is early - usually 5.30 - 6 but we've had a few at 4am - not my best time of day!!!. He won't have a bottle when he wakes up, so it's the one time of day he's not chucking up everywhere

I tend to put him on the bed between us and play with him until 7 - I don't want him to get used to actually getting up at that time so it's a compromise. Charlotte is an early bird too, whereas the other boys have always been happy to sleep in.

It might have its good side - it's a nightmare getting the older boys up for school, Charlotte's up, dressed and breakfasted by 7.30 so I'm hoping Alex will be the same.

Tracy xx
just put a mobile or something above him, he will be ok left alone while u sleep, alana lies in cot wide awake just looking at her toys etc, she only needs me if she cries
You cant put mobiles on moses baskets though thats the only thing. Well I couldnt on mine anyway. Sami I had this trouble with Isaac but my new routine is really working and helping him know the diference between night and day. In the evening now when I put him to bed he stays awake for a while babbling and looking at his mobile and his cot light. If he starts whinging I go in and don't say anything, I just shush him and put his dodie back in (we call his dummy dodie marsh) dodie is what my sister in law up north called her sons dummy and after celebrity big brother we just called it dodie marsh. Doesn't seem as amusing now but its stuck.

If Isaac wakes early in the morning and he is not crying I shush him back to sleep.

Damo is in a moses still. I feel guilty leaving him though. Because he isn't often interactive or even awake much, I like to play with him and encourage him to learn and catch up as much as possible. I want to start some sort of routine soon, but as he is only just passed his due date I dont know if it too soon?
I think it would probably do him good to have a routine. It can't do him any harm put it that way and if you are rested and feeling good then I'm sure he will pick up on it and be more settled in himself. If I'm tired or stressed I can definately notice a difference in Isaac. Luckily I'm not tired or stressed at the moment so we are both happy.

Also my midwife reccommended a book to me called "social baby". I havent look it up yet but it sounds like something you would be very interested in sami.

Type it in google maybe?

oh and as for leaving him, I dont leave Isaac...Im sleeping on his bedroom floor!

Lou :)
IMO - i wudnt worry about a routine yet, just do things as damien wants to do them. we didnt worry about any routines. now alana has found her own, and goes to bed early evening and wakes up about 9am. we did every thing on command, first few months we were still awake at 2/3am coz alana wanted to play. but now she has a natural routine and seems very happy with.

also u can get mobiles for moses baskets, there similar to push chair ones, more like an arch with toys handing from a bar

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