Play mat...


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Ok, is Joshua the only one who doesn't like his play mat? I put him on there and he can't go any longer then 10 mins without crying. :-( hopefully getting a jumperoo this week and he seems to enjoy sitting up more then laying down. He likes his change mat though and sleeps fine at night in his cot.
How old is he??

G doesn't like lying in hers, but I prop her up in my widgey cushion and shes a lot happier. Xxx
That's not much older than G, have you tried propping him up in it? I think G got bored cos the hanging bits were too far away. I've also hung her Lamaze toys on it so she can reach something, and we def get on better in it now. Xxx
Lewis hates his too the toys are too far away! Hope he learns to love it soon cos it cost a bomb. My oldest boy loved his even though it cost £3 from a car boot sale, because it was easy to reach, it looked like this....
Joshua doesnt like his either lol. He will sit on is changing mat for hoooooours lol....strange boy. Hes only just started to enjoy his bouncer too, thats because he can rech the toys. My mum has one of those gyms as above in picture and he likes that too...but
Ok, is Joshua the only one who doesn't like his play mat? I put him on there and he can't go any longer then 10 mins without crying. :-( hopefully getting a jumperoo this week and he seems to enjoy sitting up more then laying down. He likes his change mat though and sleeps fine at night in his cot.

I dunno if a jumparoo would be the answer as he might struggle with the standing as he's only little

Which one do you have? We had the m&p Lottie one and E cried whenever she went on it. She was fine on my friends which were both flat on the floor and not padded so got her the fisher price rainforest one which she loves and can be in it for 20-30 mins at a time.
Ok, is Joshua the only one who doesn't like his play mat? I put him on there and he can't go any longer then 10 mins without crying. :-( hopefully getting a jumperoo this week and he seems to enjoy sitting up more then laying down. He likes his change mat though and sleeps fine at night in his cot.

I dunno if a jumparoo would be the answer as he might struggle with the standing as he's only little

Won't be putting him in it just yet lol. Still wobbly. Can hold his head up fine though.
Think I got a bright start one? It's got farm animals on it. Bright and colourful and he can reach the bits that dangle down. He just prefers to ba sat up all the time. Except for his change mat lol.xx

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