Plans for my new flat :D


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2006
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Akk well my mum n dad reckon its better 4 me 2 have a flat now

Mines 206 its not built yet but shall be very soon i shuld be movin after rileys born :D
Its my bday 2morrow n im off 2 stuff my face with chinese buffett 2night with my mum n sis :D:DD:Dso happy now i have no man 2 answer to haha
sorry im no good at looking at planns :lol: it looks cool i bet but can i ask why do you need3 kitchens?

or am i looking at it all wrong>

happy birthday and enjoy your buffet

weestar21 said:
sorry im no good at looking at planns :lol: it looks cool i bet but can i ask why do you need3 kitchens?

or am i looking at it all wrong>

happy birthday and enjoy your buffet


Theres three different flats in those plans, she said hers was number 206!
looks great!

Enjoy your buffet and have a great birthday! :D
x-kirsty-x said:
weestar21 said:
sorry im no good at looking at planns :lol: it looks cool i bet but can i ask why do you need3 kitchens?

or am i looking at it all wrong>

happy birthday and enjoy your buffet


Theres three different flats in those plans, she said hers was number 206!

weestar21 said:
x-kirsty-x said:
weestar21 said:
sorry im no good at looking at planns :lol: it looks cool i bet but can i ask why do you need3 kitchens?

or am i looking at it all wrong>

happy birthday and enjoy your buffet


Theres three different flats in those plans, she said hers was number 206!


Im glad someone else asked that, I didnt want to look daft lmao
Thought it was just my pregnancy brain playing up again :oops:
:oops: :oops:
im the same with my plans for the kitchen it looks to complimicated hehehehe

glad im not as stupid as i thought :lol:
I was talking to the OH the other day about getting older.. I said;

21 sounds old, but 22 sounds older :doh:

Needless to say he brings that up every 5 mins :oops: lol
violet-glow said:
I was talking to the OH the other day about getting older.. I said;

21 sounds old, but 22 sounds older :doh:

Needless to say he brings that up every 5 mins :oops: lol
:rotfl: I can agree with you on that one though! When I was 15 I thought 16 always sounded loads older. I know it sounds stupid to say but I can understand how you mean it :lol:
violet-glow said:
I was talking to the OH the other day about getting older.. I said;

21 sounds old, but 22 sounds older :doh:

Needless to say he brings that up every 5 mins :oops: lol

i must sound like i'll be getting my bus pass to you violet next week :rotfl:

im only 22 honest :oops: :rotfl:
oh my god - if you think 21 sounds old, try being (erm brain is so old.... trying to remember......) er... think i'm 33.... or 32?... no definitley 33 :lol:
oh and becks, your flat looks lovely.
I'm sure you'll be really happy to have all your family around you.
what great folks!!!!
aww not going with bloor anymore though? Only one thing to bare in mind hun, does the flats have a lift? or just stairs and are you on a high floor cause push chairs and lots of stairs everytime you go out is going to be a pain in the bum, trying to hold baby, fold up the pushchair and lug it up the stairs might be a little dangerous and very tiring?

just a came into my head yesterday when we went past my sisters old flat and she said god what if i still lived there when i had ellie i would have had no chace of getting up and down the stairs..
it looks lovely becks, u little show off haha only joking babe.

I am very jealous xxxxx
cassi said:
aww not going with bloor anymore though? Only one thing to bare in mind hun, does the flats have a lift? or just stairs and are you on a high floor cause push chairs and lots of stairs everytime you go out is going to be a pain in the bum, trying to hold baby, fold up the pushchair and lug it up the stairs might be a little dangerous and very tiring?

just a came into my head yesterday when we went past my sisters old flat and she said god what if i still lived there when i had ellie i would have had no chace of getting up and down the stairs..
Its still on the same estate as the swindon thing lol and its ground floor this 1 :D
n apparently 2mins walk frm the gigantic asda walmart eeeek im so excited :D:D
yeyeyeye :D :D thats great!!!!!!! its a lovely estate have you been there? we went to look at the houses and they are really nice, only thing is they are selling quick before the new year and our house isnt ready to put up for sale yet :(
if you phone them up you can reserve plots cos mine is reserved 4 me my sis is viewing n takin pic s 4 me on sun no1 can buy it frm now 2 sun n she gives the go ahead 2 my mum n she'll pay the £99 or something silly to keep it for me :) tbh anything better than a like 100yr old terrace house i hate it n its costing me 2 much 2 heat grrrr

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