Sorry for graphic detail, but I'm 5 Weeks pregnant and last night after I wiped I had faint lines of pinky bits in my discharge/mucus. Went to the loo now and a pinky blob of mucus came out. Is this normal?
It'll be blood mixed in
Mucus that's lumpy is normal
Usually clear to creamy yellow in colour
If you're concerned call your MW
Should be fine unless its red x
I had red in my mucus about 5 weeks and also had some red blood later which turned out to be a cervical erosion. Its always scary but try not to worry unless it gets really heavy. Tons of women on here have had spotting and stuff x
Thanks both. Haven't had anything since this morning. At least I know it's normal. Just felt nauseous all day! This is my 2nd baby, but don't remember having spotting before!
Just after my bfp I had some bright pink mucus when I wiped...but nothing since. I have heard as long as you don't get red blood and cramping, it should be alright.
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