Photos of Isaac

He is so gorgeous Bagpuss17 - just so perfect!

Tan x
Ahh, thanks everybody.

He weighed 5lb 3oz at birth, so he was a good weight. He was 2.42kg yesterday, what ever that equates to in pounds. A couple of pounds heavier I think.
Bagpuss17.....and your little man. What a stunner......looks perfectly healthy and what a great weight. Is he home yet - sorry if I've missed another post.

he is soooo perfect.. and sooo cute! a little sweetie...

He really is a must be so proud! Well done and congrats xx
Thanks again.

Yes, we are both home now, we came home last Wednesday.

He's had the runs for the past two days which has worried us but he's still taking his feeds well so the doctor isn't too concerned at the mo.
Isaac is gorgeous Bagpuss - he looks adorable and it's great that he's getting healthier and hungrier every day.

Bravo for remaining so calm especially considering the shock you must have been in being early - we normally all greet our due dates with a slap in the face and an extra weeks wait.

Hope you're feeling ok after your transfusion - i was lucky enough not to need one in the end but i've had one before and i know that it kills any energy you have left.

Big kisses and best wishes to your brand new little boy

Juz xxx
Thanks Juzza, it's so true. I fully expected him to be overdue. We were in shock for a few days whilst we were waiting to be induced.

It was so uncomfortable because I was leaking my waters all the time, soaking my clothes!

I felt terrible before the transfusion, I looked like a stranger when I looked in the mirror. It's made all the difference though to how I feel now and at least I can look after my baby now too.
Oh Bagpuss I have only just seen these pics.. wow he is absolutely adorable.. really really gorgeous.. Well Done!!!

Glad to hear you are feeling yourself again and so happy to see little Isaac is doing so well and is sooo cute!!!!!!!!!
Isaac is so gorgeous hope he's feelin better now. Congratulations bagpuss.Mind yourself. Lorrie xx

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