Phone rage.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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Everytime the advert comes on i laugh my head off, i will definately be watching it, i must admit though i have had quite a bit of phone rage myself... :oops:
I'd like to watch it but Ashes to Ashes is on at the same time... hopefully it'll be on catch up tv & I can watch it on Friday!
I forgot about Channel 4 +1! I watched it, it's really made me want to be nicer to people in call centres expecially foreign ones. It's hardly the life anyone aspires to but someone's got to do the job & 9 times out of 10 it's not their fault.
I forgot about Channel 4 +1! I watched it, it's really made me want to be nicer to people in call centres expecially foreign ones. It's hardly the life anyone aspires to but someone's got to do the job & 9 times out of 10 it's not their fault.
I never watched it but I've worked in call centres for years and trust me theres nothing to feel sorry about people for and as for it not being a life people would aspire to I beg to differ. If you are good at sales then the money is awesome :D
I never watched it but I've worked in call centres for years and trust me theres nothing to feel sorry about people for and as for it not being a life people would aspire to I beg to differ. If you are good at sales then the money is awesome :D
lou said:
I never watched it but I've worked in call centres for years and trust me theres nothing to feel sorry about people for and as for it not being a life people would aspire to I beg to differ. If you are good at sales then the money is awesome :D


In my experience working in call centres in the UK, there are 2 types. The ones who see it as a career move (a call centre manager can earn upwards of 40k a year!) and put their heart and soul into being the best agent (it is VERY rewarding when you get it right). And then there are those that are just there temporarily - either in between jobs or study, or they are trying to make it in show business (you'd be surprised how many aspiring singers/actors there are in call centres) or have become newly single and need something they can enter with very few qualifications and quickly to support themselves. The latter types are usually the ones who just want to get the call over with quickly and get on to their lunch breaks or end of shift.

Believe me, ranting and raving at call centre staff will just get you nowhere - they mostly will not help as much as they could if you are rude and why should they? They will probably recount the call to their mates and have a laugh about you (coping strategy). Its the people who call in and are polite but firm about what they want, let the agent speak, and speak to them as you would speak to someone face to face - that's how to get your issue resolved. If they cant help, always ask for a supervisor.

However, saying all that, I am guilty of ranting....especially at virgin media as they are rubbish there! :oops: :rotfl:

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