
Urchin said:
Ohhh yeah LOL he's easy to forget cos he's in his cocoon in the cupboard upstairs.
I hope not the airing cupboard - otherwise you'll end up with cooked caterpillar!
emma28 said:
OK so I got the idea off Beanie, but just cos I'm curious, what pets do we all have? I love little animals and birds but DH just doesn't like anything other than cats and we cant have them here.

I used to have zebra finch but the moment we have 1 goldfish.....

we used to have 4 zebra finches but were down to 1 now :(

used to have goldfish but something happened and they all died im pretty sure it was a power surge but oh says no.

i have a cat but my mum was feeding him so hes over there with her. she has 2 dogs.
I have Willow the chocolate lab aged 3, Asha the dogue de bordeaux aged 14 months (very poorly at the min) and Paddy the white cat aged approx 6 who has a dicky ticker and 3 fish
We have Smeagol the cowardly dog cat.. then Loki the evil balloon master... both ginger hair balls... that miaow...

Then theres the tall blonde thing that by law we are enforced to clothe and provide a room for... but the water spray works just as well on her as the cats.

We did have a chameleon, Toby, but he died of a throat infection (first animal I have every cried about when he died) We loved him so much... Chameleons are fab pets, but they are really hard to care for... you have to be really dedicated... and even then theres no guarantee they will survive... :roll:
I'd love a lizard or a tortiose...but I just want it to roam around not live in a tank that you have to mess around with heat and light and stuff..... :roll:
1 dog a border terrier called woody who is 1 year old
1 cat called bobby but i call him brian who is 9 but were finding a new home for him as him and the dog dont quite see eye to eye. lol
1 rabbit called binky
1 guinea pig called scruffy
:wave: I have 3 Guinea pigs called Snowy, Ginger and Scruffy. and some tropical fish. We are hoping to be setting up a marine tank soon as well.
Emma58 said:
We have five snakes
3 Corn Snakes called Eric, Jasmin and Rosie and 2 Russian Rat Snakes called Vernon and Smirnoff

ewwwwww never coming to visit you!!! Sorry but snakes scare me!! *shudders*

I used to have 2 cavilier king charles spaniels, but with us being over here for 3mths I had to rehome them. Buster got rehomed, and Sparx is staying with my SIL until we get home - she couldnt take them both as she already has a dog herself :cry:
I have an English Bull Terrier who is 5 yrs and called Pippa, she is officially the stupidest dog on the planet, she never graduated above the puppy class at training :wall:

Ruby a 10yrs Boston Terrier, who has been with me since she was 6 weeks old, and could fit in the palm of my hand.

Pipkins a young male rabbit who we adopted from the rspca, he had been dumped at the side of the raod with his 2 sisters in a box :cry: He now lives in the lap of luxury, in a cage in my daughters room.

Bingo an elderly hamster, another rescue, this time from a man who was trying to get his dog to catch and eat him. Bingo has become my daughters best friend, and also lives in her bedroom in the lap of luxury.

I also do some rescue, when I can, I recently rescued a chinchilla and found her a wonderful home where she is loved.
Emma58 said:
We have five snakes
3 Corn Snakes called Eric, Jasmin and Rosie and 2 Russian Rat Snakes called Vernon and Smirnoff

ewwwwww never coming to visit you!!! Sorry but snakes scare me!! *shudders*

I used to have 2 cavilier king charles spaniels, but with us being over here for 3mths I had to rehome them. Buster got rehomed, and Sparx is staying with my SIL until we get home - she couldnt take them both as she already has a dog herself :cry:
I have an English Bull Terrier who is 5 yrs and called Pippa, she is officially the stupidest dog on the planet, she never graduated above the puppy class at training :wall:

Ruby a 10yrs Boston Terrier, who has been with me since she was 6 weeks old, and could fit in the palm of my hand.

Pipkins a young male rabbit who we adopted from the rspca, he had been dumped at the side of the raod with his 2 sisters in a box :cry: He now lives in the lap of luxury, in a cage in my daughters room.

Bingo an elderly hamster, another rescue, this time from a man who was trying to get his dog to catch and eat him. Bingo has become my daughters best friend, and also lives in her bedroom in the lap of luxury.

I also do some rescue, when I can, I recently rescued a chinchilla and found her a wonderful home where she is loved.

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