I have an English Bull Terrier who is 5 yrs and called Pippa, she is officially the stupidest dog on the planet, she never graduated above the puppy class at training
Ruby a 10yrs Boston Terrier, who has been with me since she was 6 weeks old, and could fit in the palm of my hand.
Pipkins a young male rabbit who we adopted from the rspca, he had been dumped at the side of the raod with his 2 sisters in a box

He now lives in the lap of luxury, in a cage in my daughters room.
Bingo an elderly hamster, another rescue, this time from a man who was trying to get his dog to catch and eat him. Bingo has become my daughters best friend, and also lives in her bedroom in the lap of luxury.
I also do some rescue, when I can, I recently rescued a chinchilla and found her a wonderful home where she is loved.