Pet fur help


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Anyone got any cleaning tips for picking up cat hair. It's now driving me mad. It's everywhere and every time I get something out the cupboard to wear it's got hair all over it.

Got 2 cats that are molting and apart from shaving them I have run out of ideas. Having to hoover twice a day and wash every item of clothing repeatedly. :x
is there anyway you can confine them to certain parts of the house ie not allow them upstairs etc.
I have a sticky roller but i have to say ( and im a big animal lover and do alot for rescue) im not a fan of cats with babies as its very hard to keep them out of the cot and pram and hair on the baby clothes etc.
Not sure what else you can do sorry.
We've got cat nets that go over the moses basket and cot. We've already said that we will see how they go when we bring baby home and the first sign of any trouble with them then they will be going to stay at my mum's house.

We don't let them in the bedrooms and they're only allowed in the front room, kitchen and stairs, It's the hair on the sofas that's getting stuck to the clothes.
its very hard, i would go with a sticky roller and try to keep the back of the sofas clear, maybe put a throw over the back that can be easily changed, or you could just go with your shave the cat thought i have some clippers u can borrow :lol: :rotfl:
Bloody cats, it doesn't help that they are fluffy and huge (weigh over a stone) so have a lot of fur. We've had them for 7 years before babies were even thought about.

I'm going to get a sticky roller. If that doesn't work I might wax them instead of clipping :lol: .
try getting a furminator brush and brush them regularly or you could dye them the same colour as your trousers :D
We used to have the problem with furry settees so when we moved house we bought a leather sofa (also easy to clean baby wee/sick/milk/food off)

I know it isnt a quick fix though, and we still get cat fur all over everything else. Im just waiting for the cat fur covered clothing comes into fashion :lol:
i totally sympathise... we use sticky rollers... but our 2 cats are ginger and white and I only wear its no miracle cure :x :x :x :roll: :roll: :roll:
selotape is a great one or masking tape, wrap it around ur hand so stickky side is up and roll it over ur clothes :D
We had a VERY hairy cat (sadly had to re-home her due to me being allergic, she belonged to hubby before I was on the scene), we brushed her all the time and you could still take out huge clumps off hair off her back and she never went bald or anything!

We used the sticky roller thing for going out the door on jackets etc, but what made a big difference was the Dyson Animal hoover that we bought, it comes with a special upholstry attachment and picked up soooo much hair compared to our old hoover it was unbelievable!

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