
No AF today. Did an test and got a BFN. Not surprised as it feels like it's on its way. Just wish it would hurry up!!
Hi Girls

Nothing yet today ??
How about you?
Im wondering when any of you had your first af after having your babies did your second one not come for a long time after wards?
Im gonna test again tom but wondering if this is normal or not?
good old ebay pg test, I got some off ebay when I though I was pg with Ella. I dont know how I did it, I was 10days late and waited for them to arrive in the post! i knew it would be positive though I knew it!

I was gonna get the ebay cheapies but all the ones i found here in Canada you had to wait a day or two and by the time it got here it would be pay day anyways and the ones form all the way in the UK would take a few days wouldnt it? So i have one more day of waiting and im gonna test tom.
Still no AF, but I have PMT from hell. Sure she'll be here soon :)

Good luck at the weekend!

lol i have not been moody even wierd usually im ripping Bernies head off by now.
Is it normal to feel nausious on and off before a period as well its really getting to me... i just want af to come :twisted:
I havent had cramps since sat so no other signs of af ??

Thanks i just know its gonna be neg though , we are going grocery shopping after Bernie gets home so i will pick one up tonight and test first thing in the morning.
xx Katrina
Excited again for you - your symptoms do some like pg ones :D
ohhhhh Katrina!!!

good luck hun, how great would it be to be pregnant together again! :D

let us know how you get on

beanie said:
Still haven't had AF yet.

Me neither. I'm quite surprised as Brody is on 3 meals a day now, with a bit of formula in the evening.
In a way it's nice becasue I know he must be having plenty of BM, even though I worry he doesn't get enough.

Layla that would be cool if we both were again and arounf the same time !
Well i havent even gone ot bed yet mayeb i should lol tehn come on in 6 hours and let you know... i dont feel like i am preg though but with kiara i didnt i hate not knowing :roll:
Rosieroo ill let you know if your not online ill send you an e-mail.
xx Katrina

Well i tested this morning and it was neg.
I am a week late now im hoping i get it soon im going crazy...
Still haven't got mine. Tested last night and got a BFN. Am 30 days since my last one. I don't feel like it's coming anymore. I heard that it takes a while for things to go back to normal but was secretly hoping for TTC purposes that my cycle would be fine now.

Know how you're feeling Katrina :)
I'm having similar problems. About 10 days ago I was having sharp stabbing pains and thought it was ovulation or implantation. Had loads of symptoms (except sore breasts) and then nothing. I've gone back to normal and got 4 bfns :evil:
No AF and another BFN.

Obviously things aren't back to normal. Wish I would stop getting my hopes up. Need DH to hide the HPTs I have left.
Another AF less morning and another BFN :cry:

I really had AF cramps the other day aswell, not sure what the hell is going on :(
It's here! 33 days since my last period. Yay! At least I have a rough idea of my cycle length now :D
Hi hun

im glad you finally got yours its about time now you kinda know the length.
Mine still aint here 38 days later

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