period type pain?


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2012
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Hey girls im 31 weeks tomorrow. Tonight ive been having period type cramping on n off the past 40 mins. Anyone else had this or know what it is?
Hi Cers, didnt want to read and run, not completely certain but I occasionally have cramps either before or after a braxton hicks and it is basically the body preparing for labour, it doesn't mean it is imminent unless you have the cramps for a long period of time (not sure if 40mins counts or not) and combined with a braxton hicks that lasts similar length of time...tbh would keep an eye on it and get yourself seen tomorrow if still having pains as better to know for sure...hope this helps...
Thank u very much for ur reply. They have stopped for now thank god lol... was thinking it was related to be braxton hicks
Hi Cers, hope it settles it's probably just baby growin an stretching you but if by come and go time it and hen you can get a true reflection of what's going on and decide whether it needs attention or not x
Thanks jessie its all stopped now thank god... thinking away about u hun hope u and baby r ok. Xxx
Woke up to some more today as well and braxton hicks tightenings lol
All completely normal cers, treat it as practise for yourself, when you feel it practise relaxing and breathing as Im told early labour can be very similar to period pain so treat it as a practise I said though if gets regular and more painful get yourself checked out...
Yeah im not worried anymore. Putting it all down to being pretty normal lol ...

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