period pains


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2010
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Well here I am wide awake at silly hour in the morning...

I eventually decided to get up after 3 hours of niggling period pain cramps. For the past 3 days I've had constant dull aches (similar to a good period monthly cycle, so copable) But this evening, the dull aches are at times turning into gripes that bloody hurt!

I'm sure it's quite normal and baby getting ready or something. Anyone else get it?

Goodness, what I would give for some feminax! lol

My tossing and turning in bed has been disturbing hubby (constantly asking me if i'm ok bless him) so as he is up for work in a few hours, I thought it best to get up and let him sleep. I've noticed him looking tired this past week, and he keeps over-sleeping. I feel quite guilty, especially as I am able to nap in the day while he's hard at work :(

I guess though, soon he'll be awake with babies cries and demands rather than me fidgeting in bed. He'll either get used to it, or end up in the shed! hahaha!
I was the same last night, it was quite sore but as soon as I got into a (fairly) hot bath, it completely stopped! Now I'm going to keep water and paracetamol by my bed for the next time it starts.
I'm wide awake with a hotwater bottle strapped to my lower bk like a flamming camel due to dull period pains n lower back pains.
I think my body has just had enough.

But ur body sounds like it's getting things in order to get baby to evacuate.
U taken any paracetamol?
No i've not taken any paracetamol - yet! I'm a funny old coot, if I can cope i'll leave the medicines well alone until I can't last any longer. I may try a hot bath. I also need to dig out my microwavable beanie bag to place on the 'area'. It did used to help at TOTM.

We'll see how it goes!
I don't know Flexi - I'm one of the lucky ones who is yet to have any braxton hicks at all - i'm due in 5 days so it could be possible. Needless to say i've had 3 days of period pain cramps so i'm not banking on it being labour.

The weird thing is when I go to the loo I half expect to have come on lol It's rather odd!

I feel quite sick with it too...feeling sorry for myself isn't helping though!
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No i've not taken any paracetamol - yet! I'm a funny old coot, if I can cope i'll leave the medicines well alone until I can't last any longer. I may try a hot bath. I also need to dig out my microwavable beanie bag to place on the 'area'. It did used to help at TOTM.

We'll see how it goes!

Lol you sound so much like me. I must take paracetamol once a year if even that!

Btw, my BH are totally different than the period pains so mine are definitely not the same thing so it may not be actual contractions for you as such.

I've got them today again too but nothing compared to the other night. Annoying isn't it?
No i've not taken any paracetamol - yet! I'm a funny old coot, if I can cope i'll leave the medicines well alone until I can't last any longer. I may try a hot bath. I also need to dig out my microwavable beanie bag to place on the 'area'. It did used to help at TOTM.

We'll see how it goes!

Annoying isn't it?

You're telling me. I also feel quite sick and weak on top of it too. Plus, having the shits isn't helping either! I don't think it's physically possible for my bowel to have anything more in there to get out.

I'm just fed up, but like I said to Flexi, it's not helping me feeling sorry for myself! Need to *snap* out of the self pity!!! :mad:
Eeek sounds like your bodies starting things going!!!!! Omg I'm so excited!!!! I'm like u I refuse to take anything unless its unbearable!! X

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