Period Pains all day!


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
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Been having them now and then throughout the week. Was woken up at 6:30 this morning with the pains a tightenings and had em all day. I know this could go on for ages but so hoping it's the start of things! The pains are deffinatly getting stronger each day. FX I won't be waiting too long for my little lady!
Fingers crossed its the start for you x

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Get on the ball and start bouncing hun. Fx it won;t be long for any of us :D bring on the next baby boom!!!!!!!!
Gonna get on my ball in a little bit and have a nice HOT curry! I'm sure the heartburn will be worth it if it gets things going! I've got breastfeeding class tomorrow so if I do go into labour it'll be a touch coz there will be 3 midwives there! Lol
I've had to come off the ball before my arse bone breaks through the skin lol, I think it needs pumping up a bit :D
Yeah mine needs pumping up aswell surprised I ain't burst it yet haha
My friend was telling me that when her daughter in law was in labour the hospital gave her a ball to bounce on and it burst :shock: she said the midwives were going mental over it and they had to take all the balls off the ward just in case......I'm taking my own one with me lol
mines going flat too cos of the weight of me. lol. I have been having period pains all day too hun and pains in my back and some pretty sharp sore pains in my boobs.
Oh god! Now I'm scared! Don't want to drop to the floor I won't know whether to laugh or cry! So hope this is a sign we're gonna drop soon!
I know whats the boob pain anyone??????????? It feels like its behind my boob like a big knot has been tied in my muscle and when I breathe in it stabs me. I have had stabbing pains in my back where my kidneys are and my c-section scar is burning. I am literally falling apart!! lol
ohh yay sounds promising i keep having the pains too :D

my boobs have become sore again leanne but not sharp pains... i was wondering if its normal for boobs to become sore again near the end??

My boobs aiin't really sore but my nipples are killing me!
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I reckon my pregnancy is going backwards lol. My boobs seem to have gone a bit mushy rather than the two rocks of pain they've been recently. My nipples still feel like they are on fire though. I've had a few shooting pains from my groin round the sides of my bump today but reckon that's noodle related
yeah my nipples are more sore than my boobs!

i have every kind of sharp pain, cramp and ache going!! im just a big fat ball of hurtingness!! (new word for our pregnancy dictionary)

Lol big fat ball of hurtingness! May have to tea leaf that one!
Wow, hopefully this coukd be the start if things tilzy.

You ladies are all optimistic about early arrivals.

I wish some of your optimism would rub off on me. I am convinced that baby isn't going to be here until Easter at least.
I have no signs WHATSOEVER! Even the BH have calmed down in the last week or so.

No fair!!!

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