Period like pains at 25 weeks


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2007
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Hi, i'm 25 weeks pregnant, i woke up in the night with period type pains, i had this for a day or two at the beginning of my pregnancy but nothing since, it seems to still be their but only niggling away. Has anyone else had this and what could it be???
Hello Hon,

Could it be braxton hicks? I haven't had them myself but have heard contactions can feel like bad period pain?

Sorry you are feeling this way :hug:
I'm not sure to be honest, just started with them last night, made me panic a little, could be braxton hicks not sure?
Ive been having period like pains for the past few days and some of last week. I think its the stretching? It may even be braxton hicks as they dont last for long....then again I dont think BH are painful? :think: I think Il go with stretching babe. If you are worried give your midwife a call hun

Don't worry, remember that your uterus is not suspended in space in your tum, the ligaments attach it to the rest of you at various points. As the baby grows, the weight increases and you feel the strain...can be in your lower back, lower abdomen - anywhere really.

If you feel its abnormal though, call your MW.
I've been getting period pains today as well, maybe LO has a growth spurt around now?
It's very normal so don't worry unless you're doubled over in pain. There is a growth spurt around 25 weeks and I remember having quite bad period type pains for a good week or so. They will go though.. then come back again in a few weeks LOL
I'm definitely having a growth spurt at the moment so I suspect Debbie is right. The kids at school have commented on how much my bump has grown in the last three days :shock:
I'm extra extra tired as well so I suppose that explains that as well then!
strange coz i was going to complain about it today to u ladies.
I had this period like cramps the first few weeks and i thought it was normal as i have read that many of u had it.
when i went for my first appointment the Dr, was concerned immediatly and said this is not a good sign . its a misscarige sign!! i was shocked but she gave me pills called duphston and it did keep them away!
if i stop the pills i get the cramps again but very mildly.
i suggest u talk to ur dr or midwife about it. and try to rest as much as possible as i have noticed it more when i am tired.
I've been getting bad pains the past week, I just put it down to my poor body being stretched, Baby is moving ok and heartbeats fine on the doppler.
I hope your pains are better soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
most women get them at different stages.. i had some really bad last night kept me awake... but it is just streching i think... :hug:
Thank you for all your replys, just put my mind at ease, they have stopped for the time being, but i agree i probably am having a growth spurt as i am definately more tired too
Ive had these pains a few times and im not as far long in dates as you but had 21 week scan yesterday and my boy is healthy and bouncin around lick a demented puppy.
So id say its nothing to worry about I think its partly growing pains and baby moving around. :roll:
my boys looking like he could be tall like his daddy so it more evident when he's pressing on my organs. Last night he was pushing so hard on my stomach and colon i threw up my dinner and needed to go to the loo twice in a few minutes. :oops: LITTLE MONKEY i enjoyed those fish and chips too.
Hope you feel more ressured and your baby is behaving today :hug:

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