Pelvic Organ Prolapse? TMI!


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2007
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The other night I was in the shower and I decided to check how my bits "down below" were doing - anyway, there was this huge red, ridged THING bulging out of me! I freaked out but the next day it seemed to have settled back to normal down there. However, since then, when I walk a lot or do a lot of activity, I get a bulge down below - it feels like when you have a tampon in but it's coming out and I can see "something" at my vaginal opening - TMI, sorry!

I searched the net and it really sounds like some sort of pelvic organ prolapse - I'm not a Doctor, but from my reading I've come to the conclusion that it's my bladder that's most likely fallen - this condition is called a cystocele, but I may be wrong!

Has anyone had any experience with this? I did see the GP about it and he checked me while I was laying down and said that things were abit "lax" down there and that my cervix was abit lower than normal and my vaginal front wall had relaxed abit. He said all this was to be expected and it was a "minor prolapse"....however, he didn't check me whilst standing up and that's when the bulge really protrudes! I'm afraid he didn't "see" the extent of the prolapse or what organ it was...?

Any advice or insight? Anyone had this?
Definately go back and make them take you seriously if your not happy with this then it needs sorting or at least looking into properly :hug: :hug:
midna said:
no advice hun other than go back ..and mabey see a female doc ..and show them the extent of the problem you might get some help xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hug: :hug:

I'll get checked again in a couple of weeks at my post natal check. I feel like I'm going nuts because the Doctor DID look down there and apart from the few comments he made he wasn't concerned, so I feel like I'm just being paranoid BUT I just know it's not normal to feel and see a bulge down there! As I said, I wasn't standing up during his examination, so I doubt he could see the extent of the problem...and yet he's an experienced GP, so surely he wouldn't have missed a significant prolapse...? I don't know what's normal anymore! :( :(
midna said:
sounds typical of doctors these days go back see a female hun the guy has obviously never seen a fanny in his life other than quick glances at clinic :roll: ...dont leave it it could get worse by the day...go back and get taken seriously xx

:lol: It is probably best to see a female GP.

I'll go back because this is making me miserable :( Thanks for your responses :hug:
midna said:
sounds typical of doctors these days go back see a female hun the guy has obviously never seen a fanny in his life other than quick glances at clinic :roll: ...dont leave it it could get worse by the day...go back and get taken seriously xx

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
OMG Midna you crack me up!!

Put she is right, go see a female doc. When I spoke to my usual GP about "women's" things he got all panicy and asked me to make an appointment to see one of the women docs, I was quite willing to show him my bits but he didn't seem interested!! :lol:
midna said:
Becky said:
I was quite willing to show him my bits but he didn't seem interested!! :lol:

rofl good effort :rotfl: lil hussy :wink:

I know!! I was a bit dissapointed tbh lol! Poor guy I think he was a bit surprised by my frank discussion using medical terms rather than "down there" etc. Maybe I was too full on- or he's maybe just shy. I wasn't sure whether to be offended :lol:
You really need to go back sooner rather than later and see someone about it as it could get worse. It could well be a prolapsed bladder or even uterus. Please go back asap! xxx
My mum had a prolapse of the cervix/uterus. Her cervix was on the outside! :shock:
She had to wear a ring thing internally to keep everything in place until she could be operated on.
She was in her 50's at the time so they performed an hysterectomy but for someone younger I'm sure they would repair it. In her case a hysterectomy was the easiest option as she was already going through the menopause anyway.

I think you should definately get a 2nd opinion. If it is a prolapse the sooner it receives treatment the better :hug: :hug:

ETA: she also needed a bladder repair
Hi Hun,

sounds like your cervix has prolapsed a bit. Not sure how much obviously from your description. Your pelvic floor muscles have probably been damaged and they're not holding in your abdominal organs properly. So they'll be pushing down. Usually the pelvic floor can hold the organs up and keep the cervix high, but if they'er very weak the cervix/vaginal canal will start to push out slightly.

Definitely go back to the GP and DEMAND a referral to a gynaecologist/pelvic floor physiotherapist. GPs are all well and good but they're just 'general' practictioners, with the emphasis on 'general'. You need a specialist so don't let them fob you off.

It may be that with some intensive pelvic floor excercises you can correct the prolapse yourself, or it may be that you have to have some kind of surgery. But get a specialist opinion.

Thanks all for the advice!

Abit of an update -

I saw my Doctor again today and he confirmed that none of my pelvic organs had prolapsed, so the bulge down below is not my uterus, cervix or bladder etc (yay!) but I do have a minor prolapse of my front vaginal wall which is what's causing my symptoms - he said it's nothing at all to worry about, it's very common and will correct itself as I continue to heal from the birth (it's already much better than it was). Worst case I would need a minor operation to lift it back up, but it's no big deal either way.

Thank you for the helpful responses, much appreciated! :D
Tatum29 said:
Worst case I would need a minor operation to lift it back up, but it's no big deal either way.

Thank you for the helpful responses, much appreciated! :D

Oooo you could ask for a designer Vagina :)
Steelgoddess said:
Tatum29 said:
Worst case I would need a minor operation to lift it back up, but it's no big deal either way.

Thank you for the helpful responses, much appreciated! :D

Oooo you could ask for a designer Vagina :)

Yep!! Every cloud has a silver lining! LOL :wink:

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