
Ocean Star

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2009
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So what is the actual advice on peanuts these days??? And should i really take much notice of it? I love peanuts especially on crunchy nut cornflakes and peanut butter but the midwife has advised me to steer clear. I thought that research has recently suggested that peanuts really aren't that bad and I have always been of the personal opinion that exposure to something should create a tolerance rather than an intolerance. I have slight asthma and exema but really insignificant. My friend is a doctor and she recons I should just go ahead and eat them as I am really fancying peanut butter on toast recently!

What is everyone else doing?
They do say give in to your cravings unless you're craving like, heroin :shock:

Apparently peanut butter is only bad if you (or anyone) in your immediate family has a nut allergy, however I have heard asthma is a problem too.
I've read it's if you or your husband's immediate family suffer from 'allergies' (i.e. to anything).

TBH I think unless you have a family history of nuts, personally I wouldn't bother with avoiding peanuts. There is so much advice flying around these days and I would have thought that, logically, unless you're somehow genetically predisposed to an allergy to something, the more things you can expose your foetus to in utero the less likely it would be to develop allergies.

Obviously I am no scientist but that would seem the more logical way round to me...

I shall be scoffing peanuts as and when I fancy them:)
Ihave had a huge peanut craving too. None of mine or DH's immediate family have any allergies, asthma or excema so I've been eating peanut butter on toast every other day. And on the inbetween days I have crunchy nut cornflakes!!!
My midwife said she hasn't witnessed any problems with eating peanuts in her 20yrs service so I have decided to scoff them too! Xxx
i have asthma, and tbh if that was the only concern i would be eating peanuts (yes i am craving peanut butter again now i am pregnant, i craved it when i was pregnant with my daughter too!) but my DF (daughter's and new baby's dad) has a severe nut allergy, so i cannot eat them for that reason. i didnt know about the nuts the first time, and at eight or nine weeks pregnant with my daughter i ate a tracker bar, and panicked! docs cant tell me if she has an allergy or not there is no accurate test apparently apart from giving her nuts and seeing what happens :roll: i really hope neither of our children have a nut allergy :pray:

yeah i'm avoiding nuts again (i rarely ate them anyway, cba getting them in when iv gotta keep them away from DF and DD and brush my teeth before kissing them etc!) but i'm gutted because i would LOVEEEEEEEEEE a nice spoonful of yummy yummy peanut butter mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *licks lips*

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