Peanuts or not?


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
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Just wondering whether any of you other mums to be are avoiding peanuts?
I didn't eat them with No#1, so am doing the same this time round.

No#1 son had infant eczema for about 3 months, he's grown out of it now and apparently eating peanuts increases the liklihood of babies having allergies such as asthma, eczema and other food allergies. All other types of nuts are fine - just peanuts are out!

Not sure whether it'll make a difference or not but doing as my doctor tells me on this one again!

Interested to know what you ladies are doing?
i'm not sure about my family's medical history so i'm keeping peanuts to a bare minimum as i did with my last 2 pregnancy's.
i think the advice now is that you are only meant to be careful with peanuts if there is a history of allergies in the family but you can't be 2 careful. i couldn't imagine the guilt i'd feel if my baby had a peanut allergy just so i could eat a handful of peanuts
I'm not avoiding them and I'm only sticking to the main list of don'ts too. I've spoken to so many Mums who over the years just ate what they wanted when all these 'scares' and don't eat this that and the other weren't around and they had healthy, non allergic babies. I think its all gone a bit too far but can understand personal choice. I love peanuts and will eat them

I'm still eating them, nobody is allergic in either of our families to them so I'm not worried. I'm loving peanut butter just now!
It's interesting to see the different schools of thoughts.
I know you can go overboard with don't eat this or that... I'm already missing all my soft cheeses and runny eggs :(

It's not so much a peanut allergy I'm worried about - although that would not be good either!, it's more things like asthma, eczema, hayfever etc...., if I can avoid them or try to - I'll do whatever I can :)

Any hey, it's only for a short time... then I can have a dry roasted feast!!!!
Am glad to hear I am not the only one eating peanuts! I avoided them with my first pregnancy because the father had a peanut allergy. But eating them now (sweet chilli covered ones to be exact!! ) :)
We have no history of any sort of allergies or anything our family so I didn't avoid them...I ate whole boxes of dry crunchy nut cornflakes out of a mug at my desk at work :lol:
Not avoiding them but simply not eating them :) Not a nutty person! Well I am in some sense :p xxx
Sneaking in from Tri3. I haven't eaten peanuts for my whole pregnancy and boy have I missed them, they have been my only craving!!

Everyone on my side of the family has either hayfever, asthma or eczema except for lucky old me so that was my main reason for avoiding them too! Plus my OH has slight hayfever and his Mum suffers terribly!

Plus it's only for 9 months which is such a short space of time (until you get to 32 weeks that is! lol).

Looking forward to tucking into nuts once my little man arrives though x
Also sneaking in from tri3! lol. I've been eating them. there is no history of anything on my side of the family but my other half has asthma. I ate what I liked through my first pregnancy also and she has turned out to be just fine and is about to turn 12 :) In fact I can't remember the last time she was ill or at the docs!
I've been eating them, not huge amounts but just the same as normal. Love the chilli ones. My midwife and nhs book says 2 years ago peanuts were advised against, however now advice has changed and the only reason to avoid them is if you are already allergic to them. Obviously you wouldn't eat anything you were allergic to anyway.

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