Peanut Bladder Syndrome


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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I officially have peanut bladder syndrome.

I need to pee constantly.

Its so bad now that Ill go brush my teeth before bed, pee, go into our bedroom to get into bed... turn around, go back and pee AGAIN.

Yesterday we went out early in the morning, and I had to pee five times in one hour.. and it's not like I'm bursting either.. sometimes just a tiny dribble will come out.

I have to do a special test next week where I have to collect all my pee (its just sooo wrong :puke: ) in a big pot from the doctors over 24 hours... I'm not going to be able to leave the house that day because I'll have to carry the tub of wee everywhere and I'm not doing that. :rotfl:

I find it's not so bad if I am sitting or lying down, but if I actually have to stand or walk anywhere, I get this horrible sharp pain in my bladder/pelvis area and need to pee immediately...

I'm pretty sure little miss is not engaged... because loads of people have told me second babies don't engage until you are in Labour and well Tia did that anyway.. so I am not holding my breath... but where o where has my little bladder gone !!!!????
I reckon your bladder's gone to the same place as mine :wall:

Baby's using the remainder as a trampoline too :shock:

Why do you have to collect your wee :think:
i'm the same.. i was up every hr again last nite.. all i had to drink last nite was a small glasss of diet coke...... when i'm at work.. whenever i stand up to go to get something from the printer or something... i'm desperate to go
Moomum said:
Why do you have to collect your wee :think:

I honestly don't know.. it has to do with hormones... you can't use the first morning pee because it's too strong and distorts the reading, so you have to collect your wee for 24 hours in this big pot.. shake it up the next morning and put it in a smaller pot and take it to the doctors.. :think: But I don't think the big pot will hold all my pee :rotfl:

Gruntie2 said:
all i had to drink last nite was a small glasss of diet coke......
I find myself limiting how much I drink so I don't have to go to the toilet so many times, it's not good for you though.. but then the people who say that don't have to pee 8438943429308408340230482048203 gazzillion times a night
i tried to stop drinking about 2 hrs before bed time.. but was still up all nite... if i tried to ignore the fact i needed to go.. i had really bad tummy pains..
I'm the same at the minute. LO is head down (as she's always been!) and I'm sure she's starting to drop because the pressure on my bladder when I stand up is really bad...I feel like I'm so desperate to go and when I do it's like a drip from a tap!!!! :rotfl:
Squiglet said:
Moomum said:
Why do you have to collect your wee :think:

I honestly don't know.. it has to do with hormones... you can't use the first morning pee because it's too strong and distorts the reading, so you have to collect your wee for 24 hours in this big pot.. shake it up the next morning and put it in a smaller pot and take it to the doctors.. :think: But I don't think the big pot will hold all my pee :rotfl:

Gruntie2 said:
all i had to drink last nite was a small glasss of diet coke......
I find myself limiting how much I drink so I don't have to go to the toilet so many times, it's not good for you though.. but then the people who say that don't have to pee 8438943429308408340230482048203 gazzillion times a night

:rotfl: :rotfl: I have a vision of you wandering around with a gallon container and a shoulder strap! :rotfl:
I had to do them 24hr samples loads last's minging :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

:oops: I mean.....awww poor Squig :hug:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
emma28 said:
I had to do them 24hr samples loads last's minging :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

:oops: I mean.....awww poor Squig :hug:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: the thought had crossed my mind...
Poor squig.. honest I never heard of this practice in Spain.. midwives here are beginning to sound more like covens of witches than regular medical professionals! :shock:
Pregnopaws said:
Poor squig.. honest I never heard of this practice in Spain.. midwives here are beginning to sound more like covens of witches than regular medical professionals! :shock:

Lol pregnopaws... Emma had to do it and she lives in the UK.. :rotfl: :rotfl:
I just felt sorry for whoever had to deal with the petrol can full of toxic p I was keep taking in :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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