paying a credit card using another credit card??


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2008
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Is this possible.
I have two credit cards running at the moment one has a higher interest rate than the other.
I applied for a balance transfer from one to the other but this was refused ???They say i have no balance transfer offers on my account at the moment and to call back and check in a month or so.
So i thought id see if i could pay the balance using my credit card but the Automated payment thing only accepts Pre registered Debit cards.

Would i beable to use my other credit card to pay or not?
Don't think so I'm afraid. It's usually the norm that you can't pay off a credit card with a credit card. Have you spoken to them over the phone about doing a balance transfer? They can fob you off if you do things online or via paper but when you speak to a person and hum and haw they often come up with something.

If you don't mind getting rid of one or both of the cards then it might be an idea to get a third one with a balance transfer offer and do it that way?
have a loom at he will tell you the cards that are offering a balance transfer at the moment.
It's not a definate anywhere will accept you for a balance transfer. They still do a credit search etc.
I *think* you can transfer 'money' from a credit card to your bank account (i could online, think it was an Egg card) then pay the other off from your bank account...

Suzie and Faith said:
I *think* you can transfer 'money' from a credit card to your bank account (i could online, think it was an Egg card) then pay the other off from your bank account...


Yip I've just done this :D
You could also call your CC provider and ask them to send you cheques so you can do a balance transfer that way.

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