Partners to First Midwife Appointment


Apr 24, 2007
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Is it appropriate for my husband to come along to the first midwife appointment? I have heard that you may be able to listen to the heartbeat. I have my scan next week and as my husband cannot get his head around the fact that we are actually going to have a baby I thought it might be better for him to get the message sooner rather than later.
i wanted my bf to be at the mw appt to hear babys heartbeat which for me was about the 16th week.other apppts before that to me seemed pointless to him. but is entirely up to you :)
I think it's really important for your OH to be there all the way - after all, you're in this together! The only thing my hubby hasn't come to are my weekly GP visits to get my sick note for work updated. He has been to absolutely everything else and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Personal preference though :)
My Hubby was there for the booking in appointment and then we went to the first scan, he also plans to be there at the 16 week appointment (which will actually be 18 weeks as we are going on holiday), he wants to hear the heartbeat.

The first appointment was just a booking in appointment but Hubby did have to give some information about his family medical history etc. and it was useful for him to be there as there is lots of information to take in.
My OH didnt come to the very first one where they just give you loads of forms and discuss what you can eat, but he's coming to listen to the heartbeat and to the scans, but apart from that he's not, which I'd prefer as he fusses lol!!! xxx

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