Parking spaces


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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What age do you think kids should be before their parents start parking in normal spaces instead of parent & child ones?

Im so sick of going to Tesco with Josh and not being able to get parked near the shop when its absolutely freezing or raining outside. I cant carry Josh anymore now and I dont think its fair that he should have to walk further just cos ignorant people park in the child spaces. It also makes it easier for me to open the door wide for him to climb into his seat in the back.

People even seem to think having a teenager with them makes it alright :evil:
we have some to be politicaly correct- people who travel around in flash cars who live in caravans in fields or anywhere they can get, wear very expensive designer gear and often talk with irish accents-by us they seem to think that these spaces are designated for them when they havent even got any kids. p*sses me right off.
i think i stopped as soon as they no longer went in the trolley. There's only bout 10 spaces at both asda and morrisons here so I rarely get one anyway now. We tend to park right at the bottom of the car park where noone else parks and there's enough room to manouvre my tank.
I stopped when Mason was 4.

I hate this too...I asked a guy where his child was once and he pointed to a 16 year old...almost old enough to drive the bloody car herself!
x-kirsty-x said:
What age do you think kids should be before their parents start parking in normal spaces instead of parent & child ones?

Im so sick of going to Tesco with Josh and not being able to get parked near the shop when its absolutely freezing or raining outside. I cant carry Josh anymore now and I dont think its fair that he should have to walk further just cos ignorant people park in the child spaces. It also makes it easier for me to open the door wide for him to climb into his seat in the back.

People even seem to think having a teenager with them makes it alright :evil:

i think when the child reaches around 7 years of age coz then you can tell them to watch the car door on other doors and know thay will listen to you and understand.Also 7 year olds are easier to handle to and from the supermarket and less danger of them running off into a car etc.

im get sick of seeing idiots parking in them and getting out with teenagers too.

The worse ones are the ones who park in them and leave their partner or whoever in the car with the child and fook off and shop :x i mean for fooks sake :x
nathanmum said:
we have some to be politicaly correct- people who travel around in flash cars who live in caravans in fields or anywhere they can get, wear very expensive designer gear and often talk with irish accents-by us they seem to think that these spaces are designated for them when they havent even got any kids. p*sses me right off.

its usually the one with those hideous vile gross environmentally unfriendly 4 x 4's that park in disablesd spots and chils spots becasue they carn't fit the fooking thing anywhere else :x tossers

earlier we went to tesco and parked in a parent and child space (yes finally we actually got one without all the dickheads without kids taking them! well this fat bint pulls up next to us in a p&c space with guess what? no kids?! so alan says to her "excuse me but have you got any children" she said "uh im here to pick up my sister so mind you own buisness" so Alan said to her "well these are parent and child spaces, i.e for parents with CHILDREN" and she said "oh you have got your space so fuck off and get a life!" :wall: :wall: :evil: :evil: :x
i think at the age fo 4. i thought the point was getting car seats in and out? and i have to unstrap the kids. but my brother is 5 and can undo his own seat belt so no need to use it.

want to no a naughty secret?? some sap double park 2 baby spaces he was in a flash range rover. i gave him a dirty look he shrugged and walked of... didnt help i was in abad mood. so i keyed his car door :eek: dont no what came over me. i then drove to tesco instead lol
at our tesco we actually have a mother and baby / disabled section with a barrier and ur card runs out after a yr so wen ur kid gets to 5 u cant park there ne more
dionne said:
i think at the age fo 4. i thought the point was getting car seats in and out? and i have to unstrap the kids. but my brother is 5 and can undo his own seat belt so no need to use it.

want to no a naughty secret?? some sap double park 2 baby spaces he was in a flash range rover. i gave him a dirty look he shrugged and walked of... didnt help i was in abad mood. so i keyed his car door :eek: dont no what came over me. i then drove to tesco instead lol

:rotfl: :rotfl: naughty D!!!!
i had a go at a woman who parked in a baby space at the weekend. her reply was - god forbit you would have to carry her any further. OH had to hold me back... :x :oops:

OH calmly replied, "I have no problem carrying her the extra distance"

she ended up moving for us.

if you join tescos mother and baby group you get a pass you can put in your car. we have one, and i have motioned towards it in the past to get a space. apart from that it doesn't do much though.
we have got one of them passes, they dont bloody enforce anything though I have got that fat cows reg number im going to find out where she lives and get loads of porn spam sent to her house :D
I would say when you stop using the buggy/car seat! Thats the only reason they give you wider spaces to get in and out.

I hate when people park there as the just own a car seat - no kid shopping with them as all, but their seat is in the car!!

S. xx

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