

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2010
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How did every one tell there parents? im so worried about telling mine, cause they have always said that theu would basically disown me, so i dont know wether to get help or not?
why would they disown you? how old are you and did they want you to pursue a career?
My parents weren't that bothered to be honest as my sister has already had two children so my mum is already a nana. In a way i was a little miffed i wanted to be congratulated as I was having tests to see what was stopping me getting pregnant.

Really glad I'm pregnant so im just looking forward to having a bump :)
Im really glad im pregnant and that, I am only 18, but I am an adult, and me and the OH can support a child, they do want me to pursue a career which I can still do, I am going to college for as long as I can, then going back as soon as I can, so I am not really giving that up for more that 8 months or so, and I don't know they just don't seem to agree with it and have always said there is no need for it and all that and that I know better, but I feel they are only saying that cause if I stop going to college, then they stop getting money for me... I dont know, I need help on how to tell them, I have came to a few ideas but I just dont know, I thought about getting my OH parents up and they can have a discussion about it, I thought about telling my mum face to face with my brother there for a helping hand, thought about leaving the house for a couple of days and phoning her nd telling her im not coming home until i know everything is ok, i dont know, any ideas? I really need lots of advice on this one, pleasse?
I showed my mum some photos off my camera - one of them being my pregnancy test!

I wasn't too sure how she'd take it, but as Im an only child I suppose its the only way she'll be a grandma! She was happy about it and is now taking the role very serious by knitting etc. But everyones sittuation is different.

Have you spoken to your parents in the past about becoming pregnant? Just thinking of where the comment of them disowning you would have come from? Are you living at home with your parents? And do you have another family member who you can speak to about this?

It can be such a difficult time in tri 1 and if you don't fell you can speak to your parents I really hope you have someone else close to you which will be able to support you. But you're always supported on the forum.
thanks, I havent really spoken to them in the past about becoming pregnant, we were talking about a family friend whos daughter was pregnant at 15 and thats when they said to me dont you go doing that, and there is no need for it, I am moving out in a months time or so, moving in with my OH, I can speak to my brother, and I know he will be more understanding, I just dont know how to tell them, and my OH wants to leave it a week or so, but I need this off my mind now if you know what I mean, I couldn't even sleep last night cause of the stress, which isnt good for the baby, but i just dont know how to tell them!!
if your moving out in a month or so you may as well try and tell them before you leave if they take it badly then thats their choice hunny if you want this child tell them.
Noone can force you to do something you don't want to do i moved out when i was 16 and that was mental with loads of arguements. looking back they just didn't want me making huge mistakes, but if you want something you will follow it no matter what they take you.

I'm 21 now and have moved back to them 3 times i can't go back now as they warned me. I only came back because my ex's all went violent with me and i feared my life and noone would help me get rehoused quickly or keep them away from me not even the police cared, they just said you got to live together get on with it after they arrested him fucking ****s.

My best advice is you should make sure you remain calm and just get them to sit down have a drink with them meal etc and mention how they would feel becoming gran parents? see how they react and let the news slide or keep it. up to you hunny x
i was 17 when i fell pregnant, was terrified of telling mum and dad, they always said the same to me, but i text my mum saying i needed to talk to her she got home and said your not pregnant are you, and i was like yes. but they didnt disown me like i thought they would, took my dad a while to come round but he did. the sooner you tell them the better. just found out im pregnant again now though just turned 20 and my dad wont even talk to me this time, but its my life so, sometimes they gotta accept it. good luck :)
I really dont know what to say for the best here hun as ive never been in this situation as both mine and hubbys parents expected the news and were all over the moon. I think the best thing to do is just to be honest, if like you said you want this off your chest. I think maybe talk to your brother first and have him there when you tell your parents for support??
I really hope everything turns out well for you xxx
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My mother always said she would send me packing if I ever got pregnant, I was 19 wen I found out now 20, and she's so excited! So that was that out the window lol! Trust me it may get taking a bit of getting used to but once they know it's happening they will have to be ok with it! X

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