Im really glad im pregnant and that, I am only 18, but I am an adult, and me and the OH can support a child, they do want me to pursue a career which I can still do, I am going to college for as long as I can, then going back as soon as I can, so I am not really giving that up for more that 8 months or so, and I don't know they just don't seem to agree with it and have always said there is no need for it and all that and that I know better, but I feel they are only saying that cause if I stop going to college, then they stop getting money for me... I dont know, I need help on how to tell them, I have came to a few ideas but I just dont know, I thought about getting my OH parents up and they can have a discussion about it, I thought about telling my mum face to face with my brother there for a helping hand, thought about leaving the house for a couple of days and phoning her nd telling her im not coming home until i know everything is ok, i dont know, any ideas? I really need lots of advice on this one, pleasse?