parental advice needed!


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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AJ has always been a lovely little boy, always been really good and done as he is told.

Anyway, the past few days he has gone really bad, he has a little cousin 6 months younger than him and he now thinks it is okay to bully (which it is certainly not), Yesterday he's cousin was crying at the baby gate and AJ walked over to him, grabbed the inside of he's mouth with one finger and inside he's eye with another finger and pulled, Anyway Tyler (hes cousin) was crying he's eyes out, So, obviously I shouted at him really bad and he didn't take no notice what so ever, he pushed tyler by he's forehead and tyler fell back and smacked he's head off the floor and AJ ran off laughing.

Today he has been throwing things, smacking me multiple times and (bad i know) even swearing!!!! I am at my whits end with him, I really don't know what to do to punish him because if i put him in he's bedroom he just smashes everything up, breaks all he's toys and pulls all he's drawers out and empties them allover he's bedroom!!!

I don't know what is wrong with him the past few days but I don't know how much more of this I can take, I miss my lovely little boy that he was just Monday and NOW!!! he's a deamon:wall2:
do u think he could be jealous of the new baby and acting out, as well as taking it out on his cousin?

if hes liable to smash his toys then why not take them away when hes naughty and hae him earn them back with good behaviour. try not to shout or lose your temper (hard i know) as he will find that funny. you deffo need to tell him that its wrong to do that and punish him somehow. wish i could help more
I agree take everything away and tell him he needs to earn it back by being kind and helping.

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Maybe, I think he is jealous but he oes grab my scan picture from off the windowsill and runs around with it, but he kisses it and goes aw bababababa! so I don't really know what the problem is :(

I think I am going to have to take his toys off him, teach him a lesson x

Thanks for the advice :D
He shouldn't be able to run off laughing and get away with it nor should he be able to destroy the place imagine what he'll be like when he's bigger if you let this destruction go on?

If you mean business when you tell him off he's not supposed to be happy about being told off or punished and at his age his response WILL be to get very visibly upset.
Sometimes acting up is just to get attention- whether it's good or bad. They are clever things!!!
I cant see tickers so dont know lo's age but would maybe a reward chart work or naughty step technique?

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AJ is 15 months old, I do try and shout at him but it doesn't work!!!! theirs nothing i tried that works :(

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