

Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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Ok, being all odd again but I swear I'm getting so paranoid that everyone knows and is gossiping about me in my company! I only work with one other person and hardly ever see other people from my company but I'm now feeling as if I'm giving out these 'I'm pregnant' signs! My DH said it doesn't matter as we're so close to having the scan but he doesn't understand how worried I am that it will all go wrong and then all these people will know. I haven't even told my parents yet!
Sorry I know I keep coming on here with all my neurotic nonsense but really can't help it...feel like I am turning into something very scary and don't want to scare the husband away
It's just the hormones, hun. And while they make you feel crazy, it also shows that baby isbusy growing and helping you create all these hormones :D
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ah bless you! Don't apologise! That's what the forum is here for :D when us ladies start turning into obsessive monsters with the hormones we need somewhere to vent our worries and concerns!

I think it's the whole DTWM syndrome again (dreaded twelve week mark). As soon as it draws nearer and the chances of m/c dramatically decrease, we panic just in case we fall at the last hurdle.

Although the girls at work all know my situation, I felt some paranioa last week when my boss asked me out for lunch, I was absolutely dead set that I was going to get the sack for some reason!

The fact that you have entitled your thread "paranioa" shows you're not going mad :) You know what's going on lol

Bet you can't WAIT to shout it out to the world after your scan :D
Just realised that we're exactly the same with dates! Must have been a full moon that night! :wink:
hehe. I do make myself laugh! I did just find out my paranoia was slightly well founded though as one of my contractors asked one of my colleagues if I was pg as I was 'acting it'! Didn't realise I was giving off pregnancy signs!
I think you're right about the DTWM dannii87- I was convinced yesterday that I was no longer pregnant and was an absolute state. (I still have no real symptoms) But my DH said that even the way I was acting should be proof enough that I am- I hope so. 18th seems so long away... not sure how I'm going to hold out till then!
Ah so it wasn't paranioa after all!!

Yeah I think we may have made a new word with that one! I really do think it's true though, it's like the marathon, as soon as the finish line is in sight it's time to sprint!!

I'm sure we'll be ok though :D

Can I ask, when have you been told you are due? I've been told 21st August but it doesn't figure out?! Maybe I'm just being thick... I count it as 42 weeks pg?!


(Edited "work" - "word" typo)
I've been told around the 20th or 21st but I think this will change slightly at my scan. I think it is about 40 weeks or so- said in one of my books that you are pregnant for about 10 months!
Yeah I read that, 40 weeks (if you go by weekly) and 10 months (if you go by months)... Maybe I need to get a new calendar... Or learn to read it better then!

Oooh all very exciting :D


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