paranoia setting in


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
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Has anyone else gone through a stage of paranoia? I was paranoid yesterday about baby as it hadnt moved very much.... midwife said all was fine (luckily i had a check up that day as well)... last night i slept for 7.5 hrs without being woken up for the loo or being in pain so once again i was paranoid from the minute i woke up until i had had an ice cold drink to make LO move so i knew all was ok! Am i going to turn into a paranoid freak now for the last 5 or so weeks?! I hope not... im usually so relaxed about things....
Aww hun it's so normal!! :hug: I was thinking about this a few weeks ago & my mum came up with a possible theory which made sense! She said, after the pregnancy going so well and being fortunate enough not to have experienced miscarriage etc, maybe I felt paranoid & anxious that I would fall at the very last hurdle?! Which was true! I really think that's what it was...

Either way, I completely understand. We're so close to the finishing line now :hug: Then we can start worrying about other stuff when they arrive! lol xx
thanks dannii, i think thats what is causing it to be honest. I havent had a bad pregnancy at all... everyone else i know has horrendous heartburn or swelling or backache etc.... me, im fine! So topping it off by sleeping so long last night really did make me feel as if something is wrong. Maybe ive had too much time on my own now hehehehehe
:hug: Very similar to me! I've had a pretty good pregnancy too (a few bumps in the road, but nothing half as bad compared to other people) so we're in the same boat! xx

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