

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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today i have been getting small pains in my lower belly just under my belly button its not painfull just uncomfortable like tiny little stabbing pains
like being stabed with a sewing needle
is this my uterus streching?
im not worried about it would just like to know what it is as its the first thing ive had in weeks lol
manda xx
im not sure wat it is but last night i was woken up by the same thing i cudnt get back to bed for hours it was on my side thou but it really hurt...
I got them at EXACTLY the same time as you! :) And yes, they were definately stretching pains for me. Next thing I knew, I had my bump!

I find the stretching pain almost exciting now. :oops:
hehe my bump ois coming along nicly not gettig bigger just rounder at the moment
manda xx
I get some really sharp pains low down by my pelvis but they don't last long. They're especially bad if I lie in bed and stretch out flat on my back. Decided they are definitely stretching pains and nothing to worry about.
I'm having a few pains in my tum too. Had really bad one last night after I'd been snuggled up on settee, my hip was aching but when I stood up I had a really sharp pain in my hip and pelvis and down one side. It soon went off but it scared me for a second. I keep forgetting I can't get all tucked up like i used too!! Think the twinges in my tum though are stretching pains
seems we are all getting them then glad im not going mad
manda xx

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