Pains :-(


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2011
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Sorry if this is tmi but was standing in co-op about an hour ago and I got these 3 massive tummy pains in a row! Then I came home, still getting on and off pains that came every 3 mins or so and I have severe diarrhoea, I keep having to run to the loo an the pains haven't stopped :-( I don't know what I should do? X
Oh no, maybe phone your midwife? Or assessment unit at hospital? I'm sure its ok, maybe something you eat? Hope your ok hun. Xx
Yeah that's what I thought but I've been thinking back over what I've eaten and can't think of anything dodgy?! I've text my midwife so hopefully she will get back to me! Thanks nurse xx
If she doesn't get back to you in a reasonable amount of time ring the assessment unit hunny. Hope you feel better soon xxxxxxxx
Thanks BB. She hasn't got back to me yet but I've managed to stay away from the loo for about 20 mins now so thinking its just a tummy bug? Don't know whether to still call ADAU if I'm feeling better? Xx
Let us know how you get on, I had the runs a few times around 14 weeks, just assumed maybe digestive system more sensitive now. As BB said if it gets worse deffo phone assessment unit, at least they can check you over and put your mind at ease. Xx
I would still do it even feeling better, the worry itself is bad enough xxxxxxx
I rang them and they didn't seem worried, just said it sounds like a stomach bug or I've eaten something dodgy, told me to drink lots of water and that it shouldn't affect baby, that was it! Hopefully me and beanie will be ok :) thanks girls xx
Maybe there's something going round your area and you aren't the only one who's rung in. If it starts again or you get any other nasty symptoms ring them back. Get some rest hunny xxxxxxxx
Are you on iron tablets?That happened to me a few times around about your stage.I got checked out by the midwife and everything was fine but it did give me scare.She told me it could have been the iron or a wee bug.Hope you are ok and are
Not on iron, it really scared me though, I've been quite laid back till now but I was sitting on the look crying like an idiot! It was horrible. I am in bed now reading a book and trying to relax. It's so hard not to worry and the pain in my tummy was coming and going and really taking my breath away, it's silly but it scared me so much :( x
I would just show up at the doctors (assesment Unit?) and demand them to look at you. They can't deny a pregnant lady can they??

Wish you lots of luck!!!

Hey hun I had a bout of diarreah a few weeks back, not pleasent! some bad tummy pains with it too, avoid milk and dairy for a few days, it will make it worse, good luck hun :)
I had this so much in my first pregnancy my loo was my best friend haha. It was the medication I was on for diabetes it can make you have the runs and hell did it.

It will pass hun, if not get on the phone.

Hope your ok x
I had this last night I was woken up by horrendous stomach cramps and I went for a wee and didn't get off the loo again for 40mins. It seems to have been a nasty bug or something cos I have been ok today.
How are you feeling hun? Hope u feel better soon!!

ive had the odd bout of the runs, i almost soiled myself once as it came on that suddenly lol. it does come with nasty stomach pains and grumbles. always gets a bit better after an hour and then goes as suddenly as it came. im putting it down to being pg as theres no other reason but damn hormones and messed up digestion.
I'm feeling a lot better now thanks guys! I think it must've been something I ate and just have a more sensitive digestive system because of being pregnant! Was so horrible though I hope I don't get it again! Heard the little one on the Doppler and its wriggling around so feeling a lot more relaxed now! Thank you xx

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