pains when cervix is effacing?


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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when your cervix is effacing or softening up, do you get pains?
just asking so i can look for any pains or signs that mine might be changing? or do you not even know??
i would imagine them being shooting pains or something??
i haven't got any... just wondered if there would be any signs that things are happening! :think:
I just had period type pains down there but not sure if thats effacing :think:
i just want a siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggnnnn!!!!!!!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
bless ya :hug:
she will come when she is ready...she is probably doing it to spite you!
Maybe you should try reverse psychology...start saying you dont want her to come :lol:
period pains are the sign of an effacing cervix hun... :hug: :hug: :hug:
i had really really bad internal pains and felt like i needed to push all the time!!!!!!!!
Hiya hon, this pst makes no sense to me yet but just wanted to wish you all the best and hope you bubba comes soon!

Girls eh?

Steelgoddess said:
Hiya hon, this pst makes no sense to me yet but just wanted to wish you all the best and hope you bubba comes soon!

Girls eh?


aww thanks
and congrats with the scan yesterday :D :hug: :hug:
People say period pains but I had mega strong period pains in the weeks leading up to my due date and past it & my cervix was still high & firm at 7days past dd... think to be honest everyone is different to be honest :)
I had lots of shooting someone stabbing me with a red hot poker up there. And I got period pains too x

She'll come soon... I still say something will happen before Sunday!!
pilkers said:
I had lots of shooting someone stabbing me with a red hot poker up there. And I got period pains too x

She'll come soon... I still say something will happen before Sunday!!

:lol: :lol: someone else today has said sunday! lol maybe it's a siiiiigggnnnnnnnn :pray: :rotfl:
all i've had with this one is pelviv pains which midwife said is probably baby engaging, once or twice really mild period pain but literally lasted only seconds.

It could be happening without you knowing it.

are you getting BH's?? that will also be your body doing something :D

I know what you feel though, hang in there, not too much longer now :hug:
i didnt feel anything either with nathan. i had 3 sweeps and went from cervix at the back to 1cm on number 3 and then went in to labour the next day after sweep number 3.
I was fully effaced when I got to the hospital and I'd been having contractions.

Just keep tweaking them nips kimbo. It stimulates your uterus so its worth trying :)

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