painful ovaries


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
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hey girls,

few quick question... i think i should be ovulating right now... not entirely sure since my cycles are mess, but cheap opf show a faint line for 2nd day now, so im kinda thinking that must be it...
now, i was wondering... does any of you have quite painful ovary when ovulating? mine hurts as hell today and i'm not sure is it ovl or something else maybe? if i do, BD will be a challenge with this pain :)
also, if i understood correctly LH surge should be present only day or two max prior the ovl and then dissapears when ovl?

thanks a lot
Hey ETee
I was in extreme pain with my last ovulation so much so I called NHS Direct, I panicked big time, silly I know but was sooooo scared. It lasted quite a few hours but was spread over 2 days
We manage to BD although had to be extremely gentle cos it felt like my whole insides were going to burst out :)
If you get a positive line on the OPK's this is normally catching the LH Surge on its way up & the LH Surge on its way down
Hope this helps a little
Thanks a loooot...
We'll try gently then today :lol:
I get pain in my ovary (normally altrenate sides each cycle) when I OV. Doesn't last long, more of a pinching pain, nothing as bad as kezza (you poor thing hun)

Think it's quite common to feel OV.
I honestly didn't think it was that common & thought my inside lady bits were going to jump out of me like the infamous "Alien" scene & then I googled it - OMG, there was sooooo much information about it but am glad is a common thing in women & know a bit more about it

Plus my last cycle was first one off the pill so I think my body was just saying to me "Hurrah can do my normal stuff" :)
I freaked out a bit, because usually cramps are much milder...
But then I googled it and all I could see was PCOS...eeek....
I'll never google anything anymore :)
Good old google eh?!?
Can be great sometimes & then other times can be the worst & doesn't help that every site it brings up normally says something different so leaving you thinking god knows what!!!!
I've almost completely stopped googling ttc stuff, I just ask on here lol.

Even if the answer is something scary, the girls here always explain it nicely. ;)
So true Kizzi, I've learnt so much from the girls on here in the space of a month :)
yeees and everyone is so nice!!!! :friends:
i'm here for 2 days only, more or less, and I'm loving it! :)
It's amazing how quickly you can pick things up here isn't it?

A few months back I was asking loads of questions and now I find I can answer lots of questions which I was asking myself at the beginning of the year. :)
I can think of answers to other peoples questions, but when it's my own time to ask qu's, seem to lose all logic!
lol I'm the same. I completely confused myself about my OPKs & temperature last week, but everyone on here put me straight. :)

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