Painful cramps


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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I've had real bad cramping and sharp pains in my abdominal area for the past 4 or 5 days, it's uncomfortable all the time and I'm practically crying with it now :( I've also got irritable leg syndrome, which is like pins and needles and it keeps going numb. I just wondered if after having a baby, did your periods come back fierce with pain like this? I can only think it must be because my uterus has obviously just gone through growing a baby...don't really want to go to Doc's as I think they'll just say its period pains anyway, my period's due around 3rd October, though only had 1 period since getting pregnant with Isaac so my cycle may be shorter or longer than that. Anyone had similar experience? Suggestions for pain relief? :hug:
Sorry hun Im no help either, just wanted to give you lots of hugs :hug: :hug: and hope it goes away. Have your got a hot water bottle or a wheat bag? Chocolate always helps me feel better when I get my period :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug:

That sounds horrible! If I were you I'd see the doctor, or at least ring NHS direct. You shouldn't be in that much pain just becasue you've had a baby. If anything your periods are supposed to get easier after child birth (so they say, not true for me though :( )

I would take ibuprofen as that's an anti inflammatory, but please, get it checked out!

:hug: :hug:
Awww hun sorry I can't help either :( :hug: :hug:
I agree with sammystar though about ringing NHS direct or seeing your GP! :hug: :hug: :hug:
i had mild period-type pains a week or 2 ago, but nothing bad like u said. im not getting periods coz of BFing so dont kno what it was. sorry not much help am i!
hope ur better soon xx
Thankyou everyone, I'm pleased to say the pain's wore off, but it seems to intensify when I BF Isaac :? I've decided to wait until next week, as think it's period cramps, just very very painful, and then if they don't go away by the end of next week I will go Doc's, I'm such a hypocrit, I'd advise others to have gone Doc's by now yet myself choose not to :oops: Anyways, thankyou for the well wishes, I'm feeling much better now, certainly not painful enough to make me cry anymore :)

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