Painful coccyx


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2008
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Hi girls :)
Hope you're all well. I have been so lucky in 2nd Tri with no complaints until now...
My coccyx/tailbone is on/off really really painful on the right side affecting walking and movements, feels similar to a chipped bone. Only feels better if I sit, lie down or don't move! It started a little in 1st Tri but not to so much pain and less constant.
Not really sure why this is or if there's any cure. Have any of you had the same? or know of someone that's had this symptom?
Really hoping am not a loner in this case :pray:
Thanks xx
ouch ouch ouch

yep, i get it on the right hand side too. last a few days then goes again

i wonder if its something to do with sleeping positions ? i cant seem to work out any other reason
claire_louise said:
ouch ouch ouch

yep, i get it on the right hand side too. last a few days then goes again

i wonder if its something to do with sleeping positions ? i cant seem to work out any other reason

Hadn't thought of that.... hope you don't mind me asking, what position do you sleep in? I normally sleep on my side - slept on my back last night but made no difference.
however i can get comfy normally lol tend to go to sleep on my side and wake up on my back diagonally across the bed .... thank goodness for a double!!

do you end up hobbling about like a grany when its really bad? i swear my two dogs look at me as if im daft when i hobble downstairs :wall:
Yep been hobbling last 2 days - feel like a right granny! Leg gives way too cause the pain hits so bad.
I googled this and it seems could be 1 of 3 things... either baby lying in funny position, pelvic bones expanding causing pain to the coccyx or something to do with the cervix or uterus... hmmmm.
Reckon will wait one more day to see if eases off then go to Drs.
Good practise for labour pains I reckon, don't you think?!!!
dont want to scare you, but mine started when carrying ryan, now im waiting to go into hospital for steroid injections in it. Like you, is started with a few aches and pains, now i cant walk far, go to the gym anymore and it gets worse from sitting to standing. Its called coccydynia (sp)? It might not be that, but if it gets worse PLEASE go to the docs, you dont wanna end up like me :hug:
Hi Clairescunny,

Sorry to hear you're having a 'mare with the coccyx too. Thanks for the advice, think drs is way forward. Did you have any problems giving birth because of it? I read somewhere that your coccyx can break during labour - do you know if this is more likely with an existing problem? (sorry to be asking questions for drs just thought you may have found this out with your experience)

thanks :hug:
Ouch :hug: :hug: :hug:

Mine hurts too - but I'm the opposite! It hurts more when I'm lied down or sitting :think: and it's mainly to either side of the coccyx, not actually on it.

Hope your doc can tell you more :hug:
hi again, it started in 2nd trimester, just put it down to pregnancy. It got much worse from 32weeks, but i was told it was a big baby, so i put it down to ryan's weight. When i had him, it was such a fast labour and a huge baby (10lb 7.5oz) and i was in agony, i couldn't move. But once again i put it down to a fast labour and big baby! As you can see, i kept putting off getting seen to by a doc and i regret it now. 3 months after ryan was born it was still hurting. I started going to the gym and after 2 months, it was worse than ever. It wasn't until 6 months after birth, that i went to see the doctor. She said it was because ryan was so big, and that it could be sprained, so she referred me for physiotherapy. After 2 months of this, there was no improvement. So i was sent for xrays and to see an orthapaedic consultant. The xrays were fine, so no break or fracture. He put me on the waiting list for steroid injections in august, and i should be having them 6th november. They've been cancelled twice. That was the short version. I have had so many appointments, and different people have seen me. It's been going on over a year and i suffer from depression from it, so i urge you to get checked as a precaution if it gets worse. There is a constant ache in my lower back, and i get sharp shooting pains in my coccyx when going from sitting to standing, when running, walking more than 15mins, i can't even lay on my back :-( sorry for the huge post, i just don't want anyone to go through it, its horrible. Xx
Sounds like you've been through hell. Thanks for filling me in - I hate going to the docs so will put off as long as poss normally but think is a wake up call even if it's not what you have. Today seems to be a bit better, not sure why that is as not done anything differently.
I looked up the condition and it seems that the docs find it hard to diagnose so can imagine this was your nightmare.
Hope things get better for you with the injections now :hug: and thanks for making me pull out my finger!
hope everything is ok, i used to get siatica when pregnant, so could be something as simple as that xx
I hope its not your coxycs cos it can take years to heal or might never heal. You say youre getting pain to the right of it, I did mine in last year and I dont get pain to the side of it, so I'm wondering if yours is more likely a trapped nerve?

Does it ever feel like a pain that could be right up your bum hole to put it not so politly?
I have this problem and like you it started in the first tri, then I think it went away for a while, only to return at about 18 weeks. I find walking around aggrevates it so I have to be careful how much I do, or sometimes I can end up hardly being able to walk at night. The pain tends to get better after a good nights rest, but if I lie on my sofa in the evening, especially if I'm twisted at all, it seems to 'lock up' and moving can be agony. It also seems to affect my right leg/thigh.

Now I've had this problem when I haven't been pregnant as well. It happened to me after knocking my coccyx so hard whilst snowboarding and it lasted for a couple of months until another snowboard fall corrected it! My Dr thought it sounded like a dislocation of one of the small bones in the coccyx which got knocked back into place the second time. As soon as I got pregnant the pain returned and I searched online for this problem and found old injuries often reappear in pregnancy due to the hormones softening the ligaments. Later in pregnancy the weight of the uterus makes it worse.

The only thing for me that seems to help is sitting up straight and resting loads! Hope you can get some more rest and the pain eases up. Take care :)
HollyHobby said:
I hope its not your coxycs cos it can take years to heal or might never heal. You say youre getting pain to the right of it, I did mine in last year and I dont get pain to the side of it, so I'm wondering if yours is more likely a trapped nerve?

Does it ever feel like a pain that could be right up your bum hole to put it not so politly?

Hi Hollyhobby,
Hope you're going well in tri1 :wave:
Really weird had one pain "up my bum" so to speak :wink: for 1st time today - maybe it is a trapped nerve...
Didn't have time to get to docs today so will have to wait next week now. Hope to get a quick verdict.

Thanks for all the sympathy girls :hug: - much needed when my husband just laughs at me!!!
timtam might be your tail bone then, i had pains that i thought were up my bum but it was my tail bone. Not sure if you know the story but i had a pile and fell down the stairs, thought the pain must have been from the pile and was using pile cream up there well after it had gone thinking must have some inside, as thats all i could think the pain was from - not realising i had broken my tb!

Anyway the doctor can press some ''instrument'' on it and let you know in the surgery.

and yeh doing really well, really got my hopes up this time and feeling confident :D

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