Painful BH


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2011
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yesterday i started having painful BH, ive had them loads before (not painful) for weeks but yesterday they were really uncomfortable.

it carried on last night and i was getting quite worried, OH didnt seem bothered which pissed me off more!

baby has moved position and i was wondering if this could of set it off by using different muscles or pulling different ligaments.

i also got up 3 times last night to go to the loo which i dont usually do.

am i worrying to much! im 30 weeks pregnant
Ive been having bh since 16w, these past recent weeks they've got very strong and VERY regular (if I was further on I'd have thought it was labour!) and my bump seems to have changed too.. Maybe it's baby changing positions and putting extra strain on one area that triggers bh? I get them doing simple tasks like washing up etc..
I also get bad backache with these ones :(
I wouldn't worry unless your doubled up in pain, get any bleeding etc..
They say u shouldnt have more than ten in an hour or something but mine start at 4pm and still going at 11:30pm when I go to bed, very regular every few mins.. And I'm fine :)
I'm like jayceesmama, get them all day and really strong now, I think it is baby's position that does it, infact I have one now lol! I practice my breathing with them now, might as well make use of painful ones! Some go right through my bum and back which was worrying at first as it felt like labour but because they weren't every few mins I relaxed. If you start leaking water or they get more regular and progressively worse contact your mw x
I'm the same as the ladies

I only get them on the part of my tummy baby is in. When I was in Tri 2 I would get them all over tummy.


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