Painful BH?

I think the thought of not being able to have pain relief would make me want it more if you know what I mean..
But the fact it's a much calmer more one to one experience would help alot with pain management.. Tough call really.. I think the fact you can go by ambulance to get an epidural is reassuring though.. I think I'd rather have the birth centre :)

i agree with you , i need to know im in a place with plenty of pain relief for me and should there be an emergency im already in the best place

with my first they tried me in the bath and i started to panick as i felt i had no control and wanted to be back in bed,

different things suit different ppl, the idea of a water birth or birth centre does not relax me at all lol
I considered not a water birth.. But being in the pool for a while.. Didn't like the idea of birthing in water.. As I know baths ease my pain alot! I wanted one with Ellie but my ex didn't want me to do it :(
Luckily my new OH is very supportive of everything, but tbh I've not even looked at any other options besides hospital.. OH looked how much a private place to give birth would be then quickly looked away after the cost lol!
As I know baths ease my pain alot! I wanted one with Ellie but my ex didn't want me to do it :(
Luckily my new OH is very supportive of everything, but tbh I've not even looked at any other options besides hospital..

Aww it's lucky that you have a supportive OH this time around. It must be awful not having full support...

I don't like the idea of birthing in water, but I think I'd like it for pain relief, my MW said I can bring some music, and I can have low lighting... Sounds very relaxing!

My OH is actually in love with the idea of a water birth! I don't think he realises that it's not like I'll be chilling out in a bikini! And he's not allowed to get in haha, he loves baths more than I do!

He knows me better than I know myself though, I was just being a bit of a moaning minny about the birthing pool, but he kept encouraging me, and I actually think it's a good idea! Need to stop being so negative!

well off to midwife think its the birth plan today - DRUGS DRUGS DRUGS AND MORE DRUGS and if anyone makes mepush for 4 and a half f-ing hours again i will be taking their heads clean off!!!!!!!! lol

also gotta inform her we found out i need iv access in labour due to me having a haemorrage last time time thanks to my old stupid inbred hospital
As I know baths ease my pain alot! I wanted one with Ellie but my ex didn't want me to do it :(
Luckily my new OH is very supportive of everything, but tbh I've not even looked at any other options besides hospital..

Aww it's lucky that you have a supportive OH this time around. It must be awful not having full support...

I don't like the idea of birthing in water, but I think I'd like it for pain relief, my MW said I can bring some music, and I can have low lighting... Sounds very relaxing!

My OH is actually in love with the idea of a water birth! I don't think he realises that it's not like I'll be chilling out in a bikini! And he's not allowed to get in haha, he loves baths more than I do!

He knows me better than I know myself though, I was just being a bit of a moaning minny about the birthing pool, but he kept encouraging me, and I actually think it's a good idea! Need to stop being so negative!


Thanks, no it wasn't very nice at all :( I'm so lucky to have my new OH :D
Yeah I think it sounds very relaxing!! May look into it too :)
Seems as though the more relaxed you are the less it hurts lol! Mind over matter I think x
Definitely think there is an element of mind over matter! I think when you're calm you can think about things more logically and think through the pain instead of getting stressed by it...

Well that's what I'm hoping anyway!

Me too!!! Gonna try and be as relaxed as I can be... Neither of my girls births were very relaxed tbh.. Their 'dad' was drunk both times :(
If all else fails.. Epidural!!! :lol:

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