Pain :-(


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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Looks like the starting to feel good missed me then when I turned 21 weeks :(

All day I have been getting pain in my inner thigh and lower abdomin, i understand that my lower abdomin is acheing because of baby growing but my inner thighs!? its weird.

Last night I had terrible lower back ache and today getting braxton hicks only 3 times and not regular so not worried.

Oh and the worst trapped wind ever!! never experienced any pain like it its horrible!

Its just Ive been told you feel great at the stage and I just don't,
I feel rather sh*it to be honest how about you ladies? :hug:
ive never blooomed in this pregnancy at all. Ive felt crap all the way through with oneailment or another.

hope you feel bettersoon sweetie :hug: :hug:
Yeah me too, my problem seems to be my bowels, im always getting trapped wind. Dont worry hun, we are all suffering from something in one way or another, you are not alone flower! :hug:
budge said:
ive never blooomed in this pregnancy at all. Ive felt crap all the way through with oneailment or another.

hope you feel bettersoon sweetie :hug: :hug:

Thanks Budge :hug: Hope you have a great Holiday x

Jaidey it is really uncomfortable isnt it?

Hope you both feel better soon too.
Sending you big hugs and hope you feel brighter soon :hug: :hug:

Felt shaky and giddy today, first time I have felt anything other than tiredness so have booked a few days leave from work to rest, I am trying to work at full speed at the mo and I think its finally catching up on me

Make sure you rest, and take time for yourself chicky, half way there now and you are doing really well xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Zoe and you too, sounds like your burning yourself out put your feet up aswell!! :hug:

I find when I do alot I am ok at the time its just when I sit down it all hits me and im in agony, always told not to over do it but........... lol I don't listen. lol I think we both should by the sounds of it :D
Tasha :hug:

My inner thighs are hurting sometimes too but it does wear off. Today I took my dog for a walk and she suddenly pulled the lead because she saw a cat and I thought my mary was gonna break :oops: Sorry TMI!! :lol:

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