Pain in throat

This is something so daft that I don't wanna speak to m/w unless I have to.

Basically I have a pain my throat area (from the collar bone bit upwards)which feels like prickly or burning and it feels like I need to either burp somthing up or swallow it down. It's been coming on in the evenings for a few days now and doesn't settle until I wake up again the next day. It feels a bit better when I drink hot or cold things but other than that it just gets worse over the course of the evening.

I've had indegestion before but it doesn't feel the same and doesn't feel like heart burn either as it's not in my chest. I gather it's somthing to do with baby pushing or coz he is growing but what could it be?

Any ideas? Spoke to NHS Direct to get some idea but she said she can't diagnose and just said speak to midwife or doctor. :roll:
I have had this Sami - i found that taking an indigestion tablet sorted it roght out so i gathered that must be the problem - worth a go anyway!
What can you take for it? Gonna get Mark to pick me something up on his way back from work if possible x

Thank you!
I bought tesco's own indegestion tablets in different fruit flavours - they work really well and cost less than a quid!! Hope it works for you xx
Thanks babe - you can take them when pregnant yeah? Silly question sorry :oops:
lol dont worry i had to ask too! my MW says they are fine - just only take the stated dose - they work in teh same way as Gaviscon which is also fine xx
no problem hun! are you okay otherwise? I saw on another thread that you have SPD, i was diagnosed today! Any ideas to ease the pain?
I had a thread written up about this a while back with all the releif for it - let me have a look for you xx
Well glad you and little one are ok - thanks for the thread - will have a look now xxxx

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