Pain breastfeeding.. rang docs.. bk from docs...


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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as few you know i een really strugling with boob pain etc..

its got that bad, and due to a fever, i rang (saturday emergency docs)

going down at 3pm, she said with symtoms i told her, she thinks i have thrush and mastitis, so going to be checked out..

she Also said asked about my feeding pattern, i dont have one:'( hes all over place, been told so many diff things by diff mdwifes i decided to just listen to Oliver (Lo) i now know hes using me for comfort, feedings lasting up to an hour, then not settlin, feeding again just over hr later etc.. i'm soooo tired :sleep: :(

She replied, i should be feeding for 20mins, first 10 the watery milk, second 10 the gooood stuff hehe..

after telling her my feeding routine she replied "oh gosh huni, your definatly causing this probel for youself! Its hard being a young mum etc.. etc..." :'( i'm 20, and very mature

She basically told me i was crap and doing it all wrong :'( sat in tears! but Sod her, i'm going to get this problem fixed, and boobie feed my man till he wants boobie feeding till!!!

i hope to be bk before tea (open surgery) so will update will how it went etc... xx hugs to all who've helped me with advice :hug: xxx
Gosh....well done for carrying on through all these problems and being so determined. :hug: Hope you get it sorted today at the surgery. LO used to feed for longer than 20 mins a time when she was tiny and sometimes feed again an hour later and other times she'd go 3 hours.. :evil: how rude to make you feel bad like that...not all babies can get a full feed in 20 mins and although they can feed for comfort...(think my LO used to do that a lot.)'s not always the case.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
aw hon, i really hope you get some decent help and advice from the gp - i've got mastitis at the moment and its really rotten :( :( :hug: :hug:

BUT how dare someone make you feel that way about bf-ing?!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: you're doing exactly the right thing listening to your baby and demand feeding. connor's feeds in the early days used to last about an hour; i'm sure some of that was comfort sucking, but its also what stimulates your milk supply to ensure that you're making enough for their needs. its certainly not something you can time! i wish people like that would actually get some training before they start spewing out stupid advice and making mums feel bad. its just not on :evil: :wall:

lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: let us know how you get on xxx
thanks girls, if it wernt for this forum, i'd be sat thinking its my fault, it just shows every mum feeds for diff times, its not like we have stop watch and say ok 20 mins is up, get off lol.. so silly arnt they. think she was only a surgery nurse, not m/w or h/v or anything, i took it to heart at first started cryin on phone, lol.. but now thinkin about it, its laughable xxx
Some people are just so rude! How dare she say things like that to you! I feel quite mad for you actually!
It's bad enough feeling hormonal and under the weather, then you get put down like that!

Angel still feeds for about an hour some days! Generally more during the night but if i took the boob away "when her time is up" it would be horrible!!!

Do bottles have a time limit? Surely it's more down to how the baby takes the food? I've got nephews who could drain a bottle in minutes, others that take forever!

Grrr, she's really wound me up! :lol:
aww hun i really am feeling for you as i had Ollie attached to my boob pretty much 24 hours a day when i was in hospital (before my milk came in) and my boobs ended up in a right mess.

Im not sure if i should recommend this but if hes using you for comfort maybe feed him and then give him a dummy to give the boobs a break? I dont think this should cause nipple confusion but if theres anyone reading this who thinks it might, feel free to say. I had to uit the breatsfeeding in the end so really hope you dont end up doing the same and get through it.

Oh and ignore the silly HV.. doesnt make a difference what age you are having your first baby is the boggest learning curve there is!

Claire x
hey, bk from docs,

got mastitus and Thrush, got anit biotics for mastitus but for thrush i gotta stick it out, becasue APPARENTLY the only treatment for treating my milk ducts is tablet form, which i cant as b/f, so he advised to stick it out, if cant go bk and i'll have to stop/give up breastfeeding,(i'd just express to keep supple up) but i'm sure i've ready theres other treatments? xxx
Treatment of thrush is as follows:

Antifungal treatment, you will need to treat both your nipples and your baby's mouth.

if the infection is resistant you may need to take oral treatment.
Dont keep expressed milk

Eating live yogurt may keep it under control

As always with mastitus - feed as much a possible, massage the breast, drink plenty of water, rest as much as possible xxx
kelsey said:
Treatment of thrush is as follows:

Antifungal treatment, you will need to treat both your nipples and your baby's mouth.

if the infection is resistant you may need to take oral treatment.
Dont keep expressed milk

Eating live yogurt may keep it under control

As always with mastitus - feed as much a possible, massage the breast, drink plenty of water, rest as much as possible xxx

thanks hun, (you training to be b/f councillor) good advice hun xx
oh, hun. That sounds like terrible advice :(
Lucy had a phase of comfort feeding for a short while, I allowed because I thought it would help toughen my nips and also couldn't hurt my supply.
And I'm sure you can treat thrush, I was sure I read about it on here!
silly stupid woman :hug: :hug: :hug: glad to hear you got some antiB's hun and i know i keep saying it but you really are a legend keeping going through all of this :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: you rock!!!!!!! xxxxxx
Fly said:
silly stupid woman :hug: :hug: :hug: glad to hear you got some antiB's hun and i know i keep saying it but you really are a legend keeping going through all of this :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: you rock!!!!!!! xxxxxx

nickiB, thanks for reply hun, think you can only apply gel when b/f, but i was sure i read it somewhere too :'( xxx

fly, thanks hun :hug: never when i was ready to pop did i imagine having all these problems boobie feeding hehe xx
Hope you get things sorted hun.... you've had a rough time :hug:
Kelsey's advice hit the nail on the head- keep feeding through the mastitis and in future, massage your boob at the first sign of pain and try to feed from the pain ful boob as much as possible- I'm convinced keeping this in mind has helped me to avoid mastitis although I have had lots of blocked and very painful ducts!

This forum really does help you to realise that there is no 'rule' to breast feeding a baby- thinking there should be causes mummies LOTS of stress! Accept that baby will be on your boob almost all of the time in the early days- I resorted to using a dummy after 3 weeks due to delerium setting in! Keep being amazing but make sure you feel happy with what you are doing. Breast feeding is great, but formula and a happy healthy mummy is great too :hug:

Oh, and of course, ignore the advice from the 'profesionals' who don't know better!
What a patronising old cow that woman was! Hope the good advice here helps and you get it cleared up, just wanted to say well done you, sticking out bfeeding even through all this pain, you are doing an amazing job :hug: :hug: xx

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