Pain behind belly button?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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For the past 3 days I have had a pain sort of around my belly button and a bit higher up. It feels to me like trapped wind or like I'm constipated :blush:
- but I thought if it was either of these it would have gone by now?
It feels worse when I'm laying down or laying on my front.
It's not like a shooting pain, just a constant dull ache. Anyone know what this could be?
YES! don't panic! I had this, and it got progressively worse and really really painful. it was all around my belly button and above but under my ribs. And was impossible to sleep, it kept me up all night one night and i was frantically posting on here to find out if anyone had experienced it i went to A&E at 6am and after a 5 hour wait, blood tests, urine tests etc they put it down to abdominal stretching and trapped gas. and gave me gaviscon (god knows why) and paracetamol.

I havent had it since & that was at 16 weeks.

Hope this helps! x
Thank you! Mine does go up under my ribs also, so I'm thinking it's the same kind of thing. Did the gaviscon help at all? Or do you think it was coincidence that it went away afterwards? x
I've had very similar pains! Was also wondering what they might be - I'd guessed it was maybe stretching and have tried to get on with it today, mine seems more painful when I'm sat up for some reason.
im not sure whether the gaviscon was what helped but it seemed to go away! so it cant have done any harm. hope yours goes soon ! x

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