

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2006
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I think I've broken my little toe last night, and possibly the one next to it :cry: - hurts like hell. I've been up all night in pain - had to come downstairs twice to take paracetamols. I think I'm gonna go to A & E and get my foot looked at.
Trouble is I can't get my shoe on my foot - I'm either gonna have to hobble in there in just my sock, or my pink fluffy slipper :oops:

I've never broken a bone before. Please tell me it won't hurt this badly for weeks and weeks.
yes, it can if you don''t get it strapped up properly

I dropped a paving slab on my foot when I was a kid. Went to hospital, had an xray and was told it was just bruised. Over the next few weeks it just kept swelling up and hurting like mad so my mum took me back. Turned out I had broken 3 toes!!
Misslarue said:
yes, it can if you don''t get it strapped up properly

I dropped a paving slab on my foot when I was a kid. Went to hospital, had an xray and was told it was just bruised. Over the next few weeks it just kept swelling up and hurting like mad so my mum took me back. Turned out I had broken 3 toes!!

Xena said:
I think I've broken my little toe last night, and possibly the one next to it :cry: - hurts like hell. I've been up all night in pain - had to come downstairs twice to take paracetamols. I think I'm gonna go to A & E and get my foot looked at.
Trouble is I can't get my shoe on my foot - I'm either gonna have to hobble in there in just my sock, or my pink fluffy slipper :oops:

I've never broken a bone before. Please tell me it won't hurt this badly for weeks and weeks.

I have no idea but :hug: :hug:
leckershell said:
How did you manage that?! :shock:

Lydia was asleep and Alex was in the living room playing. I went into the kitchen to put some shopping in the fridge, but then Alex started crying.

So I tried to run back in to see to him before he woke Lydia up. Slammed my foot really hard against the leg of a stool I have in the kitchen.

Now my little toe has turned purple, and the one next to it is red and swollen. :cry: I tried to bandage them together yesterday but I'm gonna get them checked out.
i broke my toe when I was pregnant by slamming it into the corner of a wall.. it wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't just put my back out a week or so earlier and was going on holiday in a few days. I couldn't wear anything other than this pair of old sandals that slowly died over the course of several weeks..

The toe still doesn't bend properly and it swelled and went purple, as did the toe next to it... and it hurt like hell... I never had an xray because I was pregnant at the time, and well now its a bit pointless.. :roll: as it only hurts occasionally...

Near the end of my pregnancy I just caught the toe again on a door edge and it swelled up and went purple again, but I barely touched it....so it makes me think that I really did break it and the second knock, broke the fragile bones again.

Tbh theres not much you can do for broken bones in fingers and toes, other than strap them to the neighbouring toe/finger as a support. :)
ouch you poor thing :hug:
toes are really painful coz of all the nerve endings- best to go
get it strapped up hun!
fluffy pink slippers are very in this winter sweetie :wink:
I broke my toe & foot last year & it still hurts sometimes now, defo get it checked to make sure its healing properly :hug: :hug: :hug:
Squiglet said:
Tbh theres not much you can do for broken bones in fingers and toes, other than strap them to the neighbouring toe/finger as a support. :)

Hope you get on with your neighbours :shock:

I'd get it x-rayed if I were you hun, broken bones can need re-setting sometimes or they won't heal properly :)

There there :hug:
eugh just spent 3 hours in a&e. poor kids were bored to death. good news is its not broken though :cheer: could have fooled me but thats what the xray showed anyway. They've strapped it to the one next to it anyway, it's badly bruised.

Can't believe its not broken, it's purple and puffed up and looking awful, but I'm glad!

thanks everyone :)
awww hun i can totally sympathise :hug:

Last week i dropped my laptop on my foot :( stupid i know, i was carrying it by the screen and i just lost my grip of it, instantly i had two big bruises right over the two bones. my whole foot is bruised really badly today and i have two big bruises over the bones.

i went hosp too coz i was convinced it was broke, ive broken loadsa bone sin the past, but apparently its just badly bruised..

one of ur stories of being told it was badly bruised when it was broken isnt very reassuring :shock:

AND to make matters worse, its on my foot that im gettin operated on this thursday! :shock: lol pray for me everyone, there gonna man handle my already knackered foot :cry: hahahah
Kim&Leah said:
lozzi said:
[quote="Kim&Leah":1lwfn9d5]:hug: :hug:

and for u loz :pray: :pray:

you can all have a good laugh at me limping like a twit at the meet :lol:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: you said it :rotfl:[/quote:1lwfn9d5]
*cough* completley off topic..

are u driving again??

are u driving the meet? or are u coming on the train??
yeah driving again n lovin it :D
yeah ill be driving up to manchester... so dont get on the same road as me :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :lol:
Kim&Leah said:
yeah driving again n lovin it :D
yeah ill be driving up to manchester... so dont get on the same road as me :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :lol:

ahh right, im not driving, im coming on the train with eblinx, louise0410 and half of a nursery :D
:lol: :lol:

well samandbump is driving to mine, then me, her and i think pilkers are driving up together

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