OW! - what was it?

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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I was walking round superdrug (well wadding) about half hour ago and suddenly i got this really nasty pain in my lower belly that stopped me in my tracks and i had to stay still and wait for it to pass... i've never felt anything that painful before EVER and it was a pain i've not felt either. My poor OH looked like he was about to pass out when i eventually told him - i couldn't speak due to the pain.

He asked me if it was a contraction - i pointed out that never having had one before i had just as much idea as he had. Lol.

We kept an eye on the time in case it happened again but it hasn't.

Any ideas what it was?

I'm guessing it was LO just hitting a nerve or something like that... hmmm
could it have been bad braxton hicks?
might have been a BH? mine stop me in my tracks sometimes!

Hopefully it won't happen again! :hug:
are contractions sharp pains tho

i get sharp pains, think it is bub hitting nerves ?

i wonder :think:

could it be BH or contractions?
I get sharp pains in my left thigh from baby sitting on nerves, no way as painful as you've described though.

Maybe strong BH's? After 5 years I'm not sure I can exactly remember what a contraction feels like! (The brain is good at blocking out all the bad bits of birth!) I know I'll recognise it when I get one though!

If it hasn't happened again I doubt it's anything to worry about :hug: :hug:
Still no signs of it happening again (phew).
I'm now thinking maybe i have a REALLY low pain threshold! Poor OH having to go through labour with me, haha.

I thought i'd had BH before without pain, maybe this was one advancing! Hope it doesn't happen too often though!

And i'm glad other people get funny pains too, :D makes me feel normal (not that i'm wishing pain on you)

xx :hug:
as everyone else has said, maybe BH's?

sherlock and i were talking about them last night as i suspected i may have had my first BH episode the other night.. if it was BH's then it was absolute agony and has shown me that my pain threshold is nowhere near as high as i thought :rotfl:

i think BH's can vary a lot from person to person, and they get worse the further on you get.. so it could have been.. :hug:
maybe it could've been nerves?

I got bad ligament pain in one side of my belly when i was preggers with Beth, and that was like a sharp stabbing pain when i must've moved the wrong way, so maybe its that?

I get a lot of nerve pains with this LO too. When she starts moving, sometimes i get horrible shopoting pains in my lower back where its like she's pressing on somthing. Its not all the time though, thank gawd!!
I get sharp pains usually when walking or out and about - it's the baby pushing down in a weird way I think.

I also get REALLY BAD pains if I'm walking and get a BH. You'll know if it's a false contraction if you feel your bump in future - BH make the whole bump go hard. This happened to me twice in town today and I bet all the passers-by thought I was going into labour :rotfl:

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