ovulation tests


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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What tests have you ladies tried and liked?

I have ebay ones upstairs, but you have to leave your pee for 30 minutes and as I'm so impatient it puts me off! Thinking of CB, but don't think you get many tests and it's an expensive business.

Any recommendations?


I got mine from eBay from a seller called babyandfertility as a pack of 25 HPTs & 25OPKs. They're the ones that you pee in a cup for, dip for ten seconds, then it comes up fairly quickly. It says to leave it for up to ten minutes to see a positive result but I got a very good result today (which I think might be a positive) and it came up more or less right away.
Well, i personally would recommend the CBFM test strips and just use them as normal OPKs.

My readings are always immediate and clear - check out the OPK gallery - and you get 20 for £15 (10 per cycle) which is much cheaper than you get the actual CB OPKs which i think are £15 for 7 :shock:

If you want them cheaper, i would suggest buying a supermarket or chemist own brand just so that if they don't work - you can get your money back!

I haven't tried the cheapo ones but i'd be concerned that you wouldn't be able to trust what you saw, a bit like my cheapo HPTs lol

It might cause a lot of confusion :oooo:
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I've got ebay cheapies. It was something like under a tenner for 50 and got 10 pregnancy tests too. I'm on first cycle do I've not had a positive result back yet but ill keep you posted. I tried them when I still had coil in to see if I was OVig but did not get a positive so they are either crap, or you don't OV when coil in....
ebay cheapies, I have had some probs but in the grand scheme of things...I suppose when you are doing hundreds of tests it increases your odds of getting problems (Im talking about me)....Id be thousands in debt if I bought from a shop and shop buying them doesnt stop me but that is just me. Good luck with your testing and lots of baby dust x
thanks ladies. I think cause its my first month tracking will go cheap first and see what happens. If not, think I'm asking Santa for a cbfm lol. What cd do you normally start testing. Thanks again xx
Pee in a cup? Wait half an hour? I never do any of that! I pee on the stick when going normally and it literally shows up in 30 seconds. I use the ebay cheapies and they are really clear. Always show a really dark ovulation line the day before I get ovulation cramp and so I cant fault them really
Pee in a cup? Wait half an hour? I never do any of that! I pee on the stick when going normally and it literally shows up in 30 seconds. I use the ebay cheapies and they are really clear. Always show a really dark ovulation line the day before I get ovulation cramp and so I cant fault them really

Do you use the mid-stream ones or the little stick ones? It would make things so much easier not peeing in the cup but I'm not sure my aim is that good. :lol:
LauraAnne - I'm tracking with OPK's for the month too; am going to start using them on 8 Nov which is 17 days after my last AF (last cycle was 57 days long).
I have the eBay cheapies too, so going to see how I get on this month and if no good maybe get some of the CB ones, think you get 7 tests for £10 x
Star Fish, what ones do you use where you have to wait half hour? God I will have to re-read mine coz i just pee in a cup and dip and thats it. Hold on guna go find out...
ahhh "bring the test pouch and urine to room temperature..." Ive never done that mmmm. Given that, then the choice is yours hun what ones you go for. I might give it a go in the morning but think I will be too impatient xxx
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