ovulation tests


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i got some ovulation tests, i was gonna use them for ttc but i wanted to have sex the other day and was dutifully worried i might be ovulating so i took a test and it was a HUGEEEE negative not even a faint line (so i went and got me some ;) :dance: )

i thought i'd keep doing them every day like it said on the instructions (cam in a pack of 5)

they are called clear&simple (i think) the cheap ones from home bargains. are these good?

oh and please can someone tell me, WHAT IS OPK??? what is monitor and ferning? which of these types of test is my test does anyone know? what is the difference between opk, monitor and ferning plz

thanx lovelies :D
waaa, no replies! :( *stomps about impatiently* :lol:

erm i need to add something hope its not too much tmi...

iv done 3 tests in a row now (i mean last 3 days) all have not even shown up a faint test line. today's only had a faint-ish conrol line!

it does say on the instructions to try not to drink too much for 2 hours beforehand, which i did- however i'd drunk a lot in the morning. i drink lots of fluids, probably around 3 litres a day, so my wee is never very dark its clear like water quite often, "dehydrated" in MY case its still only like white wine.

is my pee to weak??? :oops:

i show up on pregnancy tests, but they never say anything about not drinking for 2 hours in the instructions :?

sorry to be so demanding LOL but pleaseeeeeee can anyone help?! :lol:
Hey Trix,

I got mine from home bargains too, but I think mine are called sure sign & I got seven in a pack! (£3.99 i think)
Mine have been working fine, & even my SIL has had a go with them & they picked up her serge too.

I know it is best to do it in the afternoon, un I didn't know you weren't suppose to drink 2hour before, but they still worked.

I think OPK is the test, the others i'm not sure about :think:

It sounds strange that the control line is weak? Are you peeing on it enough? :lol: Other than that, maybe you just haven't ovulated yet?!?

Not much help I know, but didn't wanna read un run xx
Hi Trix.
OPK - Ovuation Predictor Kit.
Monitor - I think means basically the same, it monitors your ovulation times, but could be wrong.
Ferning I believe is like charting, not too sure.
As for your results, maybe your urine isnt strong enough or you just have a bad batch of tests. I always only get a faint positive line on my opk's but the control line is always dark, not sure babe.
Ferning is a thing where its basically a microscope, that you lick a lens in the morning at the same time you do your temp (or whenever really just i did mine at the same kind of time cos i was in that mode) and it dries and you look through and when your spit dries it crystalises (ferns) if you're fertile.

> http://www.fertile-focus.com/saliva-fer ... nitor.html < explains it a bit more in depth than i can.

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