Ovulation question time...


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2008
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I thought i was due to ovulate around CD11, But i had a shift in my temp today and the whole chart has changed now and I OVed on CD8 only 4 days after my AF! is that possible?

Now my AF as moved to the 15th Oct which leaves me with a 23 day cycle! what is going on.

I have input my temp and CV so couldnt have got that wrong!

first time using that chart so i might just have a strange cycle.

what do you think!!??
I would wait till youve a few charts to go on and keep on with the bd if you think you ovulate at a different time.
As its your first chart then it might be youve always ov'd early - or it might be a one off due to illness or anything, might have been putting your temps slightly wrong.
You can still have a normal length cycle and ov early.
I am uctually full of a cold and feel rubbish... could be the reason!

its never strsight forward!! :?
Hi Lilly :wave:

Do you want me to post the link to your chart in Chartstalkers? We're all really nice in there (I promise!) and if we can see your chart we can help you lots more...

What have your other signs been like? Have you had much CM and does it fit with when FF have you ovulating?

that would good if you can! i have noticed loads of CF especially over this week, so i know OV would be soon.. just didnt think it was Tuesday!
I'll put you on, you need to post me your link....if you go to Chartstalkers, select 'Sharing' from the left hand side and then 'RSS feed' it will give you your link

If you just post your link in Chartstalkers or in your signature and then I will put you in

Looking forward to stalking you hon!!! x
took me a while buts its in my sig! thanks hun. :D
I might be wrong but i think your ov line might move over the next few days. :think:
OV was meant to be yesturday hence the BD but the chart just cant decide!
Yeh i think it could have been cd11. I think it gets confused when some temps are missing - it had my last one down as a 5 day luteul phase! I just didnt enter enough info plus it was after a m/c and the chart just couldnt fathom it out.
yer it could be cos i only started temping after Af... never thought of that!
HollyHobby said:
Yeh i think it could have been cd11.

i would a gree with that... yesturday i had left OV pains and backache. last month it was in my right... does it swap each month??
Hi lilly

Looking at your chart it looks like CD11 to me. When you input a few more tempss FF should shift the ovulation grid

Hope you caught the eggy :hug:
i do hope so... my OH has been away his week and was glad when my OV date was fri. if its not i have misssed it this month!
The 'norm' is for it to swap each month, but you know us females :roll: ... it can be the same side 2 months running or you can release an egg from different sides in the same month!
Ot's like everything esle to do with us - no set rules, but personally i've been feeling which side it's been happening on.
Me too Holly. This cycle and last cycle it was the let side. Its strange like you said in chart stalkers i never noticed it before TTC.

Last cycle i said to my friend there is no way i have ever ovulated before because i would have felt it, it hurts :rotfl:

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