Ovulation calenders


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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Hi everyone.
I decided to use an ovulation calender to predict when my most fertile time of the month is. According to the calender I am fertile from today until Monday with Sunday being my predicted ovulation day.
How accurate are these calenders? I really hope this is my month!
Baby dust to all,
Love Jools xxxx
Hi Jools!
I am not saying that these calenders are great but they worked for me. I ahd a miscarriage in Jan and had my cycle feb 26th and ffrom thee i was using the calculator and when my period was due on April 26th it never came. I am currently 8wks and 5days preg. I am not saying this will happen straight away for you. But I guess I was one of the lucky ones. But never give up hope. Good Luck and I hope that this works out for you!
Keep in touch.
Love Dani x
Hi Dani,
Thank you for your reply and congratulations on your pregnancy!
I wont rely on the calender but use it as a guide and hopefully I'll get lucky. Keeping my partner busy at the moment as its apparently my fertile days around now...dont think he's complaining!
Best wishes to you, hubby and bump!
Love Jools xxx
Hey Jools

Are you monitoring your CM while using this calendar? It would be a great way to cross-check that the calendar is right. In the few days leading up to ovulation, the CM appears, at first kind of globby and sticky and then kind of lotiony and then clear and extremely stretchy. That's the most fertile kind, I understand, and usually shows that Ovulation is going to happen pronto!

It is worthwhile checking the CM too because the calendar will probably put your ovulation date as smack dab in the middle of your cycle, while it could actually occur at a slightly different time (perhaps a little later than the exact middle day).

Hope this makes sense...Good luck! Enjoy all the 'action' you're getting this fertile time!
Hi Margaret,
Yes I've been monitoring CM. CM appeared 2 days ago so predicted ovulation day (Sunday) is about right I think. If I dont get a BFP in May then think I'm going to give the ovulation predictor kits a go.
Many thanks for your reply.
Love Jools xxx
That's great Jules. From what I have read, the CM thing is really the key factor.


(hoping for a BFP in may too)
Hi Margaret

Will have my fingers crossed for you in May...hopefully BFP for both of us eh!

AF is due on 15th so will let you know.

Good luck

Love Jools xxxx
I think I relied too much on the calendar, and didn't BD at the right time for ages!
If you think you ovulate at day 14, calendars are great.. if not, don't rely on them as I think I ovulated at day 7 and never got round to BDing then until we'd tried months of day 14 :oops:

we got there in the end though..... check ou CM all the time if you need more help, my problem was I had hardly any CM all through the month!
Hi Urchin, I know what you mean! I don't notice much difference in my CM throughout my cycle, and I'm wondering if I O right at the end of my AF too. My cycle has never been that regular, but seems to have settled into a 24 day pattern for the last couple of months, with AF lasting for 10 days. My husband and I wre trying ttc'ing around day 14, but no luck so far :roll: This time we BD'd on days 9, 10 and 12, so will have to wait til May 15th to find out if it's worked!
Jools and Margaret, hope this is your month too! Good luck..
Hi Tamaryn,

My AF is due 15th May too so we can keep our fingers crossed for each other.

Keep us posted and best of luck to you.

Love Jools xxxx
Hi Jools,

I'll be sure to keep in touch! It's nice to know there are others going through the same things as me. The 15th seems a long way away doesn't it?!

Take care
Hi Ladies

Well AF has arrived so I didn't even have to bother to do a test and get a BFN. It arrived a couple of days earlier than expected so I figure that at least I don't have to go through that "am I/ am I not" phase right when the period is supposed to come, and I can get started on a new cycle and counting down to the peak time!

Tamaryn--what a long AF you have. 10 days?! Have you talked to your doctor about this?

Good luck Jools and Tamaryn on the 15th!
Hi Margaret,

I haven't discussed anything to do with ttc'ing with my GP yet. My husband and I have only just started actively trying, although we haven't done anything to prevent pregnancy since we got married (18 months ago). I've always had an irregular cycle, and until recently I hadn't taken any notice of AF length/cycle length, just taken it as it's come. If we still have trouble conceiving after six months of active trying, I'll get checked out. I'd just prefer things to happen as naturally as possible, in their own time

Sorry to hear about your BFN. Fingers crossed for next month!

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