Ovulating questions


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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I've been having stabbing pains in my lower left hand abdomen for a couple of days now - do these sound like ovulation pains?

I thought that I would have ov'd by now (last period finished on the 21st May), but still no lines on the OPKs. :?
28 day cycle Rosieroo?

Curious what OPKs you are using too :D

They could be ovulation pains? Just mild nothing painful?
Not too painful - had more yesterday than today. Just quite sharp.

This is the seller that I got them from: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/20-OVULATION-TEST ... dZViewItem

Had a feel of my cervix and it feels a bit lower and more open than it has. Don't think this month is going to be my month!

I used to have an approx 28-30 day cycle. If it were a 30 day then when abouts would I be due to ovulate? My last period was my first since having Ella so I am not sure of my cycle length.

Used my last OPK today :roll:
Ahhhh I've used those ones & wasn't too impressed & bought different! In fact I've bought from that seller & I'm not sure if it was HTPs or OPKs.

I've never checked my cervix :shock:

When did your last cycle start?

I'm 28 day cycle & I think I ovulated on day 12 - I personally start testing around day 10.

Taken from the Clearblue website. Only used as a guideline:

Is that 13 days after your period finished? I am about 18 days now :(

Were you not impressed as they didn't work properly?
13 days from the date AF arrives. (Gathering you have a 30 day cycle) Not all women ovulate on the times specified on the tables above though. What date did AF arrive & what date did you start using OPKs?
AF arrived 17th May! I started using them about max 7 days after it finished. So that would be 12 days at most (am sure it was less because I've got through loads).

I did an OPK last month on the 12th and both lines were dark. That was in the morning (my cervix was soft, low and openish). When I did one later in the day it had faded again :? Then 5 days later I got AF.
So your last positive on an OPK was 13th May? Then you got AF on the 17th May? Have I read that right? Not all women ovulate around the times that are typically specified in the like of the chart above. In fact I'm sure there was someone who mentioned they were sure they ovulated more towards the end of their cycle! Maybe that is the case with you?

Do you temp Rosieroo? I've just started this month & learning by it every day but once you have a months complete chart maybe that will help you more (?)

I think you’re on day 22 of your cycle now? Maybe keep going with the OPKs & see if you get a positive result again like you did the last time!

I'm clueless about the cervix thing but maybe that would drive you mad (?) I'd carry on with the OPKs even now with last month's results & consider charting! Go for it straight away if you have a thermometer (?)
I think that I did ovulate late last month (you've got the right dates). I hadn't done an OPK before the 12th May so could have had two dark lines on the 11th, I was really shocked when I saw them! I believe because I am still breastfeeding my luteal phase isn't very long, so I guess I wont be able to get pregnant if I ovulate so close to menstruation.

Only thermometer I have is Ellas forehead one, I will need a better one than that. Have never temped before.

Thanks for all your help Wobbles :D
Probably no use to you but we can all be baffled together :lol:

LOTS of luck though x
Thank you :D

Last time I ttc I just non stopped BD for 2 weeks, starting a week and a half after AF came. Luckily that's all that was needed, but I have a gut instinct it is going to be a lot harder this time!
Rosie roo they do sound like ovulation pains, mine used to last a few days. I used ovulation sticks and never got a positive just a light line and presume I ovulated at night because I got pregnant. The LH surge can be very quick so if it happens in the middle of the night you could easily miss it. I would reccommend BDing if you are having ov pains just in case.

Good luck :)
Well I don't need any excuses Skatty :D

Don't think this month will be my month, but it's been a good 'learning' month :D

Now to crack open the wine (ok a glass with some lemonade as I am such a lightweight!), do some BD and then watch BB with my legs in the air ;)
Am REALLY tired at the moment, felt like this when I was pg with Ella. But I'm not (tested even though it's early).

I don't think that I will be pg, but my cervix is still high and hard. Have been BD a little bit, but haven't really DTD loads this month. :?

Just want AF to come so I can start afresh next month!
Fingers crossed for you if it be this month or next Soon soon soon :pray:
does anyone else get sensitive nipples around ovulation like tingly sensations. I've noticed this and noticed it last month as well :lol:

also i feel really hot at night (not just down to the weather!) and have trouble sleeping. Its interesting keeping a diary as its identical from last month. i recommend this. :dance:
Don't talk to me about my nipples - Ella's caught my left one a couple times with her bottom teeth and it's now quite sore. So it would have to be MAJOR tingling for me to feel it through that!! :lol:
I get sensitive nips after ovualtion & so far have only experienced it along with a BFP :?

An OUCH Rosie I held on to mine when I read that :lol:
oooh rosie :shock:

mine were tingly last month as well, so this is a def sign of ovulation for me. I got stinking headaches as well. :doh:

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