ovulating late in cycle?


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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Hi, jsut wondered does anyone know whether its possible to ovulate this late in my cycle..about 1 week before AF due?

I had what i think was a positive OPK 1 1/2 weeks ago (see post LH Surge) and EWCM at about that time as well, so assumed I'd ov'd then....

have only been charting for about a week (not the right time to start i know) but this is the pattern for last few days..

36.5, 36.4, 36.7, 36.8 with the dip coming about 7 days post-?ov.

The problem is this rising temp looks a bit like the rise you are supposed to have after ov..suggesting that it only happened a few days ago??

am i interpreting this wrong??? very confused . advise please :?
Hi Chellieboo, I think you can ovulate twice in one cycle, have you already had one peak? Are you very regular or could you just be having a long cycle? xx
cycle ranges from 28-32 days (usually one or the other never in between!). has been 32 recently so expect AF thur or fri.

have not taken temp before, and only started taking it on monday - after seeing other peoples charts on here thought it would be interesting to monitor, so don't know if i had a peak at the time of the ?pos opk

...what do you think? didn't know you could ovulate twice in one cycle!

I would think it you had postive on test them u would have ovulated, and your tempertures seam ok, as you have nothing to compare its hard, but my tempertures normally range from 36.5 to 37.0

Good :Luck
Ive read that your period always starts 14-17 days after ovulation regardless of when it happens, which explains late periods - its more a case of late ovulation. Dont know how accurate this is though.

It could of course be an implantation bleed - is it different in any way to your normal periods?
Ok been doing some reading....possible options

1) "Your luteal phase (the time between ovulation and your next scheduled period) has to be at least 11 days in order for your uterus lining to thicken enough to sustain a pregnancy. Therefore, if you have 30 day cycles, it's possible to ovulate around day 19. " read this on yahoo, so maybe i'm a late ovulator, in which case we've totally missed the boat this month :cry:

2) Read on fertility friend that some women have a triphasic chart with 2 temp rises, one at ovulation, and one later on. So its possible I would have a triphasic chart if i'd started temp monitoring from the beginning, i.e. this is the 2nd temp rise.

3) I'm ill :shock:

4) my body is crazy :rotfl:

I also read that while it is possible to ovulate twice in a month this would ocur close together, so don't think i can have ovulated twice a week apart.

what does everyone think? would appreciate your comment. thx :hug:
I've never tested with my first 2 pregnancies but with this one i used ovulation strips, i ovulate days 20-22 and i have a 28 day cycle. This also means that when i count how far gone i am from first day of my last cycle, i am a week ahead f myself, when i go for the 12 week scan they put me back a week.

Hope that made sense!!
It is very possible that you DID ovulate when your OPKs predicted (perhaps on CD19) .. and that your temperatures were even lower at that point (say 36.3-4 ish) and that you are now just seeing a range of higher temps after ov. FF is only guessing that you ov'd on CD25 based on the very few temps it's got in there.... it's not at all easy to say with any degree of certainty as you haven't got any temps earlier in your cycle to see a pattern......

IF you did ov on CD19 you should expect either AF or a BFP within the next 2-5 days or so (assuming an 'average' LP) ....

However .... FF may be right .. in which case you ARE having a late ovulation this month (not uncommon at all - I ov'd on CD28 this month for some reason!).... but that doesn't tie in with your OPKs.....

Thanks everyone, it really helps to get other comments.

I guess its just a case of wait and see what happens over next week or so.....grrrr :x

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