

May 16, 2017
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So I'm wondering if I'm just over-reacting.
I had my booking in appointment today with the midwife.

As a history, I'm 7+4, after having at least 2 miscarriages.
I had brown light bleeding start at 6+2, but I had a private scan 5 days ago at 6+6, which showed a heartbeat, fetus was the correct size, and no reasons for bleeding. That light bleeding has continued to today, and I have a scan at the EPU next week.

I had my booking in appointment today, and I told this to my midwife. She rang the EPU to see if they could see me sooner, as she couldn't understand why they were making me wait until 8+2, with my history. When she came back, she said the EPU had told her to stop the booking in appointment. I was pretty upset, and I told her it felt like they were saying it was a waste of time booking me in, to which she replied "That's one of the reasons, we don't want to waste your time". I was pretty horrified - I couldn't understand why when we were both there, she had travelled to see me, and we'd already filled out one of the booklets & done the urine sample, why there was such an abrupt stop. I left in tears, and honestly felt shattered.

In spite of the bleeding, I was actually really hopeful about this pregnancy. The bleeding has all been brown, and just 5 days ago, we saw a lovely beating heart.

Am I taking this too personally? Is it normal to stop a booking in appointment mid way if you say you've had bleeding??
I would actually complain to your midwifery lead at the hospital.
I had bleeding from 6 to 10 weeks and I had my booking in appointment in between scans on which my midwife was very supportive and reassuring. At the point I had my appt my scan actually showed a sac no fetus or heartbeat.
No wonder you felt the way you did. You've seen a heartbeat and they say the risk of miscarriage goes down after this although it reduces significantly after each week.
Thank you for the reply Loula,
I was just so shocked to be honest, I'd expected what you described, support and reassurance - I was feeling really positive before, but now I'm wondering if I'm just kidding my self.
I'm sorry you were treated like that,sounds horrendous! I would be upaet too,if you've seen the heartbeat there could be loads of reasons for bleeding so being so negative about it is really not helpful! There was a couple of ladies in our April mummies thread who had on off spotting and all was well. I'd try and stay positive and see what happens at your scan next week. Either way I think they've handled the situation terribly xx
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Thank you Mrs Cookie :) Thank you for letting me know about the April thread, I will go and read it. It's nice to have positive stories. I might complain, I feel like it was handled badly - I literally left and sat in my car crying. Before I left I went to get my pack of all of my forms and things, and she said she'd keep them. I must have looked shocked, so she said she 'Won't bin them just yet,' which doesn't sound so bad typed up, but the way it was said made it feel even worse - like they're hovering over a bin or something.

Gosh, what a horrible day!
She shouldn't have even said that to you about the bin. Definitely complain because she has shown no empathy towards you and your situation.
Just reading this and I really can’t believe they said that to you or stopped your appointment, such insensitive comments and so poorly handled, you would be justified in complaining
Thank you for the replies - I feel a bit less like I'm being silly thinking everything isn't over yet.

A bit of Facebook spying this morning has told me that she only started working there 6 weeks ago, so maybe that explains it.

I just wanted to update - I couldnt wait until Tuesday, so booked a private scan today (Sunday), and everything was fine. Bean was 1 week bigger, and had a lovely beating heart
That’s excellent news, I hope you can get your booking in appointment now and hopefully with a different midwife x
it does seem extremely insensitive what happened. I have also had 2 early mc and it felt really like tempting fate to have my booking appointment before a scan but they said they didnt have time to scan me and went on with the 2 hour long booking appointment! i would have loved the reassurance of an early scan (like you i went for a private one)
Hi Hun, I had a private scan at 7+4 which put me back to 5+2. I knew my dates weren't wrong so I started to panic and think the worse was about to happen. I waited for my booking appointment before doing anything as it was a week later. I told my midwife about the scan and how I was feeling and she booked me in for a earlyscan 5 days later. We didn't carry on with my booking appointment but she gave me the choice weather to or not and I chose not to. If I had said carry on she would have done without any fuss made though. You should have been given the same option I think!

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