Over 1's night covers


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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Ellis came out of his grow bag at 12ish months when he decided to learn how to undo poppers and wiggle out!!! .... since he was been having thick sleep suit, vest and a blanket if he doesnt wiggle out of that.

Tonight i put him in his new 6 tog duvet... but i feel like he is too little for a duvet.

What do your over ones sleep in.... when did they get there first duvet? xxxx
My flat is always warm so keeley has no covers until i go to bed as its gets a bit chilly in the middle of the night and she only has a thin blanket :)
Lydia got her first duvet when she moved into a toddler bed, which is when we moved house - she got her own room for the first time.
That was at the end of July - she was 22 months old.

Before that we just put her in a sleepsuit and put a warm blanket on her. She knows very well how to take sleepsuits off but it's not often that she does it (apart from in the morning of course when she's getting dressed ;) )
Bray first had one at 12 months, now he is like me and wont sleep without a duveet lol
Stanley had a baby quilt and pillow from about 7 months. :oops:

Not recommended I know, but he always slept so well in with us and he took to it straight away
I gave Aimee a baby quilt and pillow at 12 months.
we have just got mark a duvet and pillow. he loves them. we originally went to mothercare to buy a pillow as mark was using his teddy to sleep on. now he has his pillow and duvet. sometimes if he is warm to crawls ontop of it and cuddles it. i keep a fleece blanket nearby so can cover him up when he decides to sleep ontop of his duvet.
Stephen had loads of blankets and on top of that for winter he had a cotbed duvet and he was lovely and toasty and this did for him until a month ago when we put him in his new single bed
Ellie is still using gro bags. She is in 6-18month ones at the moment. However I do have a 12month - 2yrs (IIRC) one in the cupboard which just zips up the middle. It came from TK Max for £10. I would recommend looking for one like that as their are no popper for your LO to undo.
Gabs is still in a gro-bag too; like your one Nicky; it is a zip one and goes up to 18 months. :D
Isabella also kept popping open her 6-12 month gro bag so I thought I would buy her a acclimatser (sp??) duvet from mothercase and a nice girl bed spread and pillow from Vertbaudet. I tried her for 2 nights with it but she kept wiggling out of it and then laying scrunched up in a ball trying to keep warm and then eventually screaming. We only tried this for 2 nights and one night I was up to her 7 times in the night.

I have now bought a gro bag which will last her to 36 months and we are back to normal, she loves her gro bag and she knows at night when she gets put in it, it is bedtime. - God bless the person that invented them :D

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