Ov pain


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2011
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What does OV pain feel like?

Is it like a period pain in one side or like a stabbing or neither?
How funny that we were writing about ov pain at the same time!

For me its like a period pain but in a very specific spot, lower right hand side of abdomen, almost on the bikini line. Feels a bit like a fist size tightening or clenching inside. Sorry, cant think of a better discription, hope that helps! xxx
Thanks :)

I have some pain on my right had side in line with my belly buttom just wondered if that was it lol
Star that's a good description, think I had this very thing yesterday ;-) x
I think Belly button would be too high up for me, but hey, everyones different, are you supposed to be ovulating?

Princess! Are you getting plenty of action now? xx
I am i was just wondering if the pain i had was to do with ov or something else.
Then maybe it is? I guess the only way to tell is to look out for it next month and so on
I am hoping i dont have to ;)

Have been dtd most of the week at night and once this morning. I really want my bfp this month
I get Ov pain quite high up too, not as high as my belly button but in between bikini and Belly Button :)

Star described my Ov pain much better than I could :)
Mine feels like I have a stitch in my side........
Ok so today it feels like proper cramps like af is coming already:help:

I did a opk with fmu hears the pic

I am getting rather confussed now this is the 3rd day i have had two lines so that means i am OV or due to OV , my temp is up giving me positive signs.

But then theres this pain that feels like proper cramps :(

I said to myself i wouldnt symtom spot but its very difficult when i have this pain, a head ache and just feel rubbish today


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Hi Sparkles, i think your problem is you are using fmu! sensitive opks can give you a line anytime of the month if you use fmu, you need to pee on them later in the day lol.

But..... can i suggest you take a pregnancy test? If your AF is due and you are getting positive opk it can be a sign of pregnancy.
I do three opks a day one around 12 (when i get up) then at 6 and then before i go to bed (around 12)

My Af isnt due untill the 10th april
I think Belly button would be too high up for me, but hey, everyones different, are you supposed to be ovulating?

Princess! Are you getting plenty of action now? xx

Zero action Star, o/h not home til Saturday, so if there was any action, it would be kept strictly under wraps :rofl:
sparkles, have you been tracking cm and all the rest of it as well?

Maybe as star suggests, rule out pregnancy first. A few of the girls on here have detected their pregnancies early on due to consistantly positive OPK's. Not wanting to get your hopes up of course x
I dont think i am pregnant (yet) I think i will just have to wait untill Af arrives.

I dont track Cm just temp and opks
i get that pain only on the left though, as i had ectopic and they removed the right, but it is for me like a really sharp stabbing pain quite low down near to my hip bone. it goes on and off all day and then im fine. It has had me bent over doubled it was so intense in the past! xxx

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