Our Last month!

So are us lot lulla bell...we cant wait to find who youve been matched with! X
I think an adoption thread would be great. I started reading up on it a while ago.
Well I had the phone call today to book in our initial visit and get all our reference details. Im actually ovulating now according to ovusenue so I think we may give it a miss! I just had thought that If i did get pregnant and it wasn't a chemical and lost it again Id Have to wait 6 more months just to apply so were not gong to bother! Its actually quite nice not having to stress about getting a quickie in before work haha
Thats great news lulla that you have your inital visit booked. Ball is most definately rolling now! Please keep us all updated as we are all very keen on continuing this journey with you x
Lulla Bell, you’re an inspiration to mothers and mothers to be everywhere! Adoption is an incredibly beautiful thing, you are giving a child everything they deserve, love, happiness and family unity.. I am new to this forum and only just beginning our ttc journey but I know I will adopt at one point, regardless. Good vibes on your last month but also, big love and respect on your decision moving forward xxx
I actually got a bit sad today, I realised this is my last month OBSESSIVELY POAS. Not like ive enjoyed it at all the last two years haha!
But I just realised I wont be in the TWW Again!
Its crazy really becuase I hate it normally!
But I guess its just been a routine ive had for quite a while now!
I'm so happy for you :) glad to see you feeling positive. Can't wait for you to post that youve been matched, I'll be keeping an eye out. Wishing you all the luck in the world xx
We've got our first meeting on the 30th! Its soooooo close now!
Im very excited!
OMG! Thats next week! Thats fantastic news! How fab just before xmas too getting the ball well and truly rolling! Keep us posted about how your appt goes. Good luck x
Very best of luck LullaBell. You're gonna make a fantastic mummy!
Hey So AF arrived yesterday, Im actually looking forward to not symptom spotting for a while!
I really want to have some sort of protection but really dont want too many hormones knocking around, especially as It took me two years to get rid of the last lot! What would you suggest?
Lulla they tired making me take the pill after dd. I said no because of how much it messes with your hormones. I had the implant at 16 and it literally made me go crazy. I got servery depressed and my period was going for 3 months straight and I told them to take it out and they refused I told them I would take it out myself then. So they finally decided to do it. I personally would never get anything you can't stop / remove yourself.
Condoms are the best imo.
Me and my husband havr never used protection we've been together for 7 years, but we've always managed to miss ovulation... So to could keep tracking it? X
Weve just had the discussion, He doesnt want me on any more hormones! The depo fucked me up, The implant turned me into a crazy lady who hated sex and the pill gave me acne beyond help!
So weve said we will use condoms 5 days either side of ovulation, after all this time im pretty clued up on when its going to happen! So Im sure itll be fine! he even offered to have the snip but i really dont want the option taken away from us

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