Our first tww


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2013
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So, after thought that I havent ovulated, due to the fact my monitor hasn't hit a peak and I haven't noticed a temperature change I think I might have ovulated due to many external signs. I had EWCM for 4 days, during the last two of which l had excrutiating ovulation pains, very sore nipples and was as horny as hell. Upon reflection, I googled the 'CBFM Lack of peak' situation and discovered that a lot of women only experience 'high' during their first cycle, until the monitor gets to know your cycle. Also, my lack of temperature pattern can be easily explained by my erratic sleeping habits. There is literally a 6 hour variance (sp) in the time I wake up despite setting an alarm for 6am every morning. Sometimes I've woken up at 3am and done my temp, on the count of the fact l rarely get back off to sleep again, go I figured that a poorly timed temperature is better than no temp at all. Even when using the TCOYF online programme for filling charts in (It calculates the approximate temp it should be as though you got up on time) my temps are still all over the place.

So, I'm going to take a gamble and allow myself to think I ovulated when I think l did, on the last day of EWCM when I had the super strong ovulation pains. If this is the case, I should be 7dpo as of 6th July.

I suppose I may be setting up myself for disappointment, but as my CM has dried up resembling a barren waste land, trying to 'catch' an egg now would be fruitless, and using pre seed would be a waste of time as d/h wouldn't be able to deliver the goods with too much lubrication. (I dried up two days after I suspect I ovulated).

Anyone else think I maybe right or am I clutching at straws? Honest answers please, l'd rather hear true opinions than have my hopes built up, then receive a BFN. If there is a possibility that I ovulated, what dpo is best to test on with poundlands First Vue?

From Tapatalk
Hiya, I didn't get a positive on my opks this month and had a panic that I didn't ovulate but I have just got my bfp so I must have just missed the peak. So you're definately still in with a good chance especially as you noticed lots of ovulation symptoms too. There are a couple of girls who seemed to have issues with the same thing this month. Good luck! X x x
Just what I wanted to hear. Congratulations on your bfp!

From Tapatalk
I would follow your gut too. I was one of the ladies Naomi was talking about and never got a peak on advanced digis but I had signs of ov'ing 3 days ago and done a cheapy opk and boom! A great big positive. Good luck for your 2ww :) x x

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